Ok, so I just had a really restless night after attempting FILD every time I woke up and trying to do some other form of WILD if it failed me. And of course it didnt help that I decided to try having some music playing the entire time…I basically cant remember any of my dreams from last night, probably was too restless.
ANYways, onwards to the more exciting topic of this thread . When I woke up this morning I reflected back on all my failed attempts of WILD and thought about what everyone here on the forums has said about their experiences and I noticed some similarities. It seems most people are fine with getting relaxed, achieving some sort of SP, and even getting some imagery or visualisation getting.
The main problem seems to occur after this point. From here either you dont keep your mind active enough and thus drift off to sleep or you are so excited/worried that you keep wondering if you are in a dream yet or when that is going to happen…and the anticipation of a WILD keeps you awake; I personally stupidly like to check up on my physical body occasionally to “see if I can still feel it” yea, doesnt help.
So I came up with the idea of an IILD. “Intensity induced lucid dream”. I havnt tried it out since I just thought of it when I woke up this morning, but I figured Id post about it on here since I think it has a lot of potential, at least for someone else if not for me. Alright, so here is the general idea:
Start off like a normal WILD, relax your body, let your mind drift a little, try to focus your mind slightly.You could even do a little bit of another technique, count for a while or something.
Then, once you are starting to drift into sleep, the technique truly begins. Now put yourself in a very intense situation(BUT make sure it is in YOUR control, you dont want to be plumetting helplessly off a building, I think that would wake me up quite quickly). My first idea when thinking about this tech was to put myself in an abandoned field and fight an opponent, complete with screaming “I AM dreaming!” as I attack and him taunting “Come on now, this is a dream, is that the best you’ve got, you can do ANYthing!”. Swords could clash at an insane speed, breaking the sound barrier. You could even start right off using lucidity powers. If you get stabbed, split yourself into two of yourself and then attack again, and of course he could use all of these powers too. If you are having a hard time keeping yourself occupied with a single insanely powerful person, create an army of them!
Now, I dont think anyone that I know of on here has ever objected to violence in dreams, but if there is anyone, your situation doesnt need to be violent. A non violent situation that comes to my mind would be driving at 300mph into oncoming traffic(hey, your dream-senses are fast enough to handle that ).
Make sure you feel yourself really doing it, as you would do with anyother visualisation based WILD. Feel the hilt of the sword or the leather steering wheel, and the wind brush past. Hear battle crys or wheels screeching.
You can make your situation anything that you think will be exciting/intense for you. Most of all, make sure you have fun with whatever intense situation you make up, you should enjoy it
The theory behind this technique is that you will be enjoying what you do and will be doing an activity that requires 100% concentration(better not get distracted when there is a sword flying towards you or a truck full of tnt is about to hit you ), and this would keep your mind awake and active. Also because you will be so absorbed in this technique, you wont have time to be checking up on your body or wondering if you are asleep entirely yet.
It is definitly important to get pretty close to sleep before begining the visualisation, preferably into some form of SP. Otherwise you may fling your limbs all about in the excitement and wake yourself up.
Well, I think thats about all I can say about this idea at the time. Ill try it out myself tonight(I think I like the fight scene ) and I hope other people well let me know how well it works for them.
EDIT: My friend had a great idea after reading about this technique. He says that it would be best for people to use an intense experience that they have experienced before. The car one appeals to him because he has driven really fast before, so he knows how intense it feels and so can better simulate that, throw in some oncoming traffic and go a little faster and I dont think he will be able to stop paying attention. So if there is some sort of intense action that you have personally experienced, that might be better for you since it will be more real for you.
Happy (Lucid) Dreaming.