Pretty much just looking for advice on what to do next , any help is appreciated.
ill start off by saying i have never had an ld in my life and have been properly trying for a good month or so with WILD and WBTB. I am pretty good at DR and have had a few very vivid dreams and i think one false LD. I just cant seem to have any control over my dreams and its starting to get frustrating, any help on how to realise im dreaming more frequently or to gain control would be goood thankss
I agree, I don’t recommend WILD in the first attempts. Do RC s throughout the day as much as you can. If you can do it every hour that would be awesome… maybe setting your watch? … also, the key to lucid dreaming imo is lucid awareness. Every time you step into a room, look around and make sure you’re not in a dream, If you’re too lazy to do a RC just look around and see if you find anything odd about your surroundings. Make this a habit to do it everytime you step into a different room, or if you go outside… drive your car… anywhere! Once you have lucid awareness, you’ll instantly have many many lucid dreams.
I have the same problem, I keep a dream journal, I do RC, take vitamins (B-complex)…but in my dream it never comes in to my mind to do RC…even the most uncmmon thing is natural and the last thing that I would ask my self is "Is this strange? Am I dreaming? "
However once I tried WILD and something happend. Righ afrer i thought that Im fallin asleep I said to my seld "Hold on!"..and for a moment I was sure that this is it! It was absolutely dark, and I heard this strange noise! Never heard something like it, but it was inside my ears, inside my head. I knew that Im lucid so I tried to see my hands, but there was nothing to see… I “was” only this strange heavy feeling in my chest. The whole thing was something like few second and I woke up.My heart was pounding and I could barely take a breath! I was totally freaked out! Ive read that this is called sleep paralysis, but I didnt feld paralysed, I didn`t had halucinations…although this was the purest form of fear that I ever experienced…
I would try a simple method. DILD (with the RC`s) is good for beginning, but has a (relative) low success-rate. You could combine it with MILD or auto-suggestion. You could also try DEILD. (or chaining) This is a simpler form of WILD.
Thanks for all the help guys , i already keep a journal and i will start to do RC’s regualrly. Will even try a few of they other techniques a shot and fingers crossed ill find one that works for me. @Teodora im totally the same in my dreams, things that would seem ridiculous in RL are just run of the mill in dreams. As far as sp goes , ive never even got that far but hopefully will soon