Guaranteed Method of LD induction...i think..maybe....

I was thinking about LD and think that I have realized a way that may force LD’s to occur.

Lucid dreaming = normal dreaming + awareness.

However most of the time, when we fall asleep, we are either thinking of absolutely anything, or thinking about absolutely everything - either of which tend to very little awareness even while you are wide awake. aka: zoning out, or thinking about everything in a panic and not seeing something in front of you.

So I had an idea on how to fall, while being forced into a constant state of awareness.

I will try this, but don’t have the necessary parts to build something of this sort. I will try to get some help in the electrical engineering department of my college.

My idea:
let there be clicker, that either makes a noise or pushes your finger, or something constant repetitive stimulus, but preferably not visual since blinking lights tend to wake people pretty easily. So, lets assume auditory. Let the clicking sound not be so loud as to wake people around you, but comfortably loud so that you can hear it.
Let it click every 2-15 seconds (not sure what the best interval is just yet)
After some randomly determined interval of clicks, the clicks stop, and you have some time (~5 seconds) to press a switch that would be near you hand/finger. If you don’t do it in time, a little alarm wakes you up, that you have to move to turn off. Either way, the cycle then repeats.
After 5 or so cycles, the clicks, instead of just disappearing, either fade away very casually, or just continue to click without stopping for 30 or so minutes (whatever time you would imagine falling asleep at a constant interval. I think <5 is enough, but this is all an idea and would need stuff worked out)
By this time, you should be asleep, but having fallen asleep, or drifted asleep, while being as aware as possible. This level of awareness might be enough to let you feel that you are dreaming when you do, and voila, lucid dream.

Anyone hear of anything similar/ are in a position to try it?

You’re talking about inducing a WILD by use of the technique you mentioned, right? If you’re not I guess your technique isn’t gonna work, because pressing a button a few times before going to sleep isn’t going to do much good, or it could work because in your dream you push a button again, it could make you realize you’re dreaming. If you are, getting into a WILD while having to push a button might cause people to stress, because they know not pushing the button will wake them up. It’s hard to relax that way. And to induce a WILD you have to lay completely still.

I guess it is, but it doesn’t require you to go to sleep, and then wake up later in the night to go to sleep again.
In fact, if my thing works, then it would make you better at lucid dreaming, because each time you would do it, you would be falling asleep (on average) in a higher sense of awareness.
I made a small site for it, with the program that I made yesterday in VB.
I used my speakers which were connected to my pc, which is ~6 feet from my bed, and used a wireless mouse as the switch.

Interestingly, I don’t know for how many people this would work, but maybe going to sleep a little stressed out will be better towards attaining lucidity.
…an answer to my question of: Is it possible to move your body consciously, while being in a lucid dream?
“Yes it is possible, I dream lucidly almost every night, not on purpose, it just how I sleep. In fact I sleep so lightly that I can tell when my husband is about to atomic elbow me in bed just by the movments I feel him make and I can roll over before it happens. After awhile you will learn to wake up at specific times, like if you have to get up at 6 for work you will automatically get up with out an alarm. I have’nt set an alarm for three years. I started sleeping like this after I had kids. I was afraid if i fell asleep to soundly I wouldnt hear them if they needed me. Now I sleep so lighly I can play along with my dreams. Its really fun! You can do alot of research on lucid dreaming online. Just Google it.”

so maybe stress is good for LD…

Previous program seemed a bit buggy, and didn’t work all the time.
New version:
or right to the file

Now, you can choose the trigger to be a mouse click / mouse move anywhere on the app, or just a mouse click anywhere on the app. Also, all the text boxes are now visible during runtime, so you can see how far you got, or anything else of interest that before was in the background.

Last night, I used the program with the following settings:
time interval in ms: 1000
reps per cycle: 50
number of cycles: 25
interval before alarm: 5
Beeps after last cycle:4000
Click trigger

The time interval i left as is, since i didn’t see a reason to change it.

50 seems to be the right amount of reps. I’m guessing the larger this number is, the more you are forced to work at staying aware. Last night 50 seems just beyond my will at the moment. I felt that I stayed aware for 35-45 beeps, and then dozed off just as # 50 came up. I was actually pretty amused, since I ended up saying “sh*t!” every 55 seconds :smile:.

I used 25 cycles, but feel that maybe it was too many - however this number is better off bigger than its supposed to be to further guarantee awareness. Also, the smaller this number is, the easier it is to stay aware during, but lose awareness later when you do fall asleep.

I am not sure if this should be changed either. On one hand, if you make it smaller (the alarm must be an annoying sound) then you might try to be more aware so as to not have to listen to the alarm. I figured once I am capable of triggering before alarm 25 consecutive time, if need be, I’ll lower this number.

4000 beeps after everything should be long enough. The idea here being that it should beep right into your rem stage, which starts at about 90 minutes after falling asleep. I don’t know which is better yet, if it beeps deep into or even past rem, or if it stops beeping pre rem. Trial and error is the way to go i guess.

I used the click trigger via wireless optical mouse. I just put the mouse sprite on the “START, mouse click as trigger button” and then put masking tape over the laser. So it was just clicks, and I didn’t need to worry about motion.

I have uploaded a newer version…keep finding bugs, now it should be working fine.

new version 1.06:

Removed Resolution input, and just made the window get maximized.
Added a “Reset To Defaults” button which, does what it says, defaults being:
time interval in ms: 1000
reps per cycle: 50
number of cycles: 25
interval before alarm: 5
Beeps after last cycle: 4000
beep file name: beep.wav
alarm file name: alarm.wav
The program now saves any changed you do to the settings automatically in the Data.txt file.
The defaults are kept in the default.txt file.

well, no…
whether or not it works, determines whether it could theoretically be guaranteed
but, if it does work, doesn’t mean absolutely that it is guaranteed.

What i’m saying, is that, if it works, i’m pretty sure it will work for everyone.
If it doesn’t work, i’m not sure of anything.

HAHA…this was a reply to a post right before this…that so conveniently disappeared after i replied.