the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 73

Hi everyone, I’m Breakfast dreamer, I’m French so sorry for the writing mistakes :content:
About 4 years ago, I trained to have lucid dreams and I did 15.
I really appreciated them, it was wonderful :woo:
that’s why I want to have some again.
that’s why I’m here :wink:

:welcome: breakfast dreamer,

We hope that you will attain fruit-full nights with lots of LDs and visions.

Please do not worry at all with language.
You are doing fine, not to mention that our majority has English as a second language, therefore dont worry again…


Guess I’ll post here.

Hey Guys, I’m CreativityInChaos, or CnC as most call me since my username is crazy long. I’ve had a few LD’s here and there, mostly by chance, but a couple through MILD. Both of my parents are naturals who were so kind as to not pass that trait off to me so I have always had a degree of exposure to it.

Looking forward to increasing my dream recall and starting a dream journal, even though I can usually remember 1-2 a night fairly vividly already. Obviously the holy grail of WILD would be a nice goal to look for, I’m really just looking to in the long term to have a way of being able to do it 1-2 times a month seeing as I already seem to be having a mild degree of success on my own.

Hello breakfast dreamer :wave: welcome to the forum.
You might want to record your very first ld that you had in our sticky topic in the dj forum. The BIG “My First LD” collection- Part VI
*sends lucid vibes for more lds"

:wave: CnC

That must be quite frustrating.
I hope you enjoy your time at ld4all. :spinning:

Hey dreaming community!!!
Just Saying a generic “I’m new here”
I’m Pedro from Brazil, started to search about LD’s this month, thanks to the Mundo Estranho (“weird world”, in English) magazine( it has just a 2 pages text about it, nothing much informative). Still haven’t had any LD…

Hi Pedro Sponchiado. :welcome:

I really hope you can have an LD soon enough, we have a lot of (still expanding) articles and topics to help you in this quest.

If I can ask you… I am curious about what specific information did that magazine you referred have. Does it contain some technique/ how-tos, or just general information about it?

/me is always trying to learn when the topic is cited by the “media”.

Thanks. :content:

Hi Tggtt, thank you for answering!
The online magazine teach about what is, why to do, fake awakening, sleep paralysis, and explain some basics tricks: dream diary, dreamsigns, reality checks, autosuggestion. But it doesn’t explain about methods like mild, wild, wbtb, etc. here is the magazine In Portuguese if you want( you can use google translate, although it’s not very good :tongue: ): … ca-guia-pa ra-ter-sonhos-lucidos/

Also there are some other magazines and sites about it, in Portuguese: … ca-guia-pa ra-ter-sonhos-lucidos/ … /01/cienci a-dos-sonhos-lucidos.html

And this is a very good blog about it, very complete from Marlon Jatahy( contains everything, where I really learned about):

I hope I have helped and sorry if I made some grammatical error :shy:

Thanks a lot, that’s great. I was curious if it was something recent, for instance, after “Inception”, we got a large influx of members here.

I think you will find better information about LDing in this community. Good luck!

[size=75]Side note: we call it false awakening instead of fake awakening.[/size]

Welcome Pedro Sponchiado
and happy birthday from Greece.
Wish you many happy returns round the Sun.

PS.Your series was in Plato’s teaching before Fibonachi discovered it again.

It’s still early days yet and it is something to look forward to :grin:
Welcome to ld4all Pedro :welcome:

Hello all!

I’m new here :peek: You can call me Melody or Mel for short. I’m currently passing time trying to have a WILD. Drinking some very… strongly scented Valerian tea to help my body relax more quickly. Smells like socks that have been buried in dirt for a while and tastes like…:yuck:

I’m going through some tough emotional times right now and I’m hoping to get in touch with my subconscious in a LD so that I can get to the root of my personal problems.

Also, I’m an interior architecture major, and when I go back to school in March I’m hoping my new found abilities will enable my dreams to help me to find creative solutions in my projects, and help me to be more productive in the way I work (more slowly than everyone else, with detail nobody notices but an overall low level output because I always run out of time :blush:)

Excited to share my journey and be a part of yours!

Welcome Melody,
As an old architect I have collected and written down my architectural dreams through the years. Lots of them.
In spite their extreme apocalyptic forms, I assure you they would not suffice to build my carrier on them. I needed practical talents as well.
So do not rely too much on dreams for your future projects.
Some hints might be useful, though they do not arrive on appointment when needed.
And forget details on your plans.
Planning hierarchy requires essence. Provocative essence. Better provoke and challenge in ideas context, than submit perfect details.
Be yourself!
And read.
Read to widen your scope far beyond architecture if you want to lay firm foundations for future: History of arts and general history, geometry structures, archeology, primitive societies, photography are randomly coming in my mind.
Otherwise you will be chewing and re-chewing common trends without your personality touch and innovation.
Wish you lots of success in dreaming and in studying.

Hi. I’ve looked around this dream website a couple of times before and decided to join today. Its nice to meet you all. :smile:

Hello Melody and BlueSaphire5, welcome to ld4all :welcome:

I remember when I tried to get a taste for mint tea to help with LDs :yuck:

LDs can help with inspiration for projects. I know Siiw has produced flower arrangements taken from dreams.

It’s great that you have finally decided to make an account and join us. :grouphug: Some extra forums will be visible to you now. :spinning:

I hope you both enjoy your time at ld4all.

Hi, everybody !

I’m french. I live near Bordeaux.

I’m 26. I love (lucid dreams) parapsychology, football, mangas. Among other things… cinema, insects. Philosophy. Etc. ! (Photography, science, modified states of consciousness… =P)

I have a (very) good experience of lucid dreams. Practicing since june 2009… I passed the 1000 LD a long time ago. I stopped couting. BUT ! I own a brand-new record !

59 LD in 31 days ! (I wanted to reach 60… sic !)
Just before, my record was 50 (in 31 days).

(One day, I will reach 100 and after that : I will continue to push limits ! My limits !)
I work on premonition, thank to lucid dreams. And I had results !
My mission in this life is to prove scientifically the premonitory phenomenon.

And I will succeed !

Nice to meet you, I’m very happy to arrive here ! :happy:

Welcome Andro! :welcome:
Very interesting your hobbies!
I’m quite jealous with your LD’s frequency!
I hope you like the forum. You can share your results about premonition here, I would like to know that our brains can get information in a way that we don’t know. It’s interesting.
When you say " I work on premonition, thank to lucid dreams", what do you mean? You ask for answers in LD’s for what will happen? I would like to do this

Thank you, Pedro ! :happy:

You’ve never been lucid ? When did you start working ?

I will share all what I know about premonition, just after my first victory. … -aout-2015 … preuve.png

I didn’t use lucid dream(s) at that moment. But lucid dreams, also, permit to practice premonition. (We are all mediums, and all of us can practice premonition.) I specially know one technic which can be exploited in lucid dream, and it’s efficient. Not only for lotteries !^^ We can have an access to informations of different kinds.

This day, the August 15, the 6 also appeared to me. I really think that if I had played more series, I would have won the jackpot : four millions.

But I will win !^^

This night, I got numbers in a very interesting LD. :tongue:

It’s sworn promised, after my first victory which will liberate me, I will reveal all !

Thank you, again, for your welcome ! :happy:

Wow, that’s incredible! If I understood well (i don’t know french), the first link is the right numbers and the second is what you choose. Really cool.
I haven’t had any LD yet, but the faith is the last to die :tongue: . I discovered it in the start of september by a magazine, i started to search about LDing, but I started to do a technic in final of september. I think I hadn’t had one yet because sometimes i can’t try the technic: i can’t wake by intention( yet), when I do it I’m to drowsy that I come back to sleep, and my alarm clock isn’t working lately :peek:, but OK.
Hum, I just thought to ask you: what technic do you use? I’m trying to use WILD, to see if it fits on me, but I think maybe because I sleep fast and then I don’t have to stay aware much time.

That’s it, you understood well ! :content:

“You can’t wake by intention”, you say ? If you let fall yourself from your bed ? You would be forced to wake ! :grin: Just let you fall yourself ! :grin:

I use self-suggestion, when I go to bed. It’s the first step.
Then a have a “special position”.

When I lie on my stomach, with the head turned to the left : I say to myself, “you just have to succeed to sleep, and you’ll make a lucid dream/lucid dreams ! (You will know it’s a dream, you will be lucid, you will understand you’re dreaming)”. That works very often ! :grin: I have a special position for three years.

In the past, my special position was different : on the left side, with my arms… stretched in front of me. =D Rather like a dog ! :grin:

Regularly, I use the WBTB (Wake Back To Bed) now, but it’s not automatic.

I think that beginners should learn to make lucid dreams without the WBTB. In my opinion, it’s better/preferable to know to make LD without help, “without crutches”. In the first instance. Because… that gives you solid foundations.

THEN… secondly, you can use the WBTB to improve your frequency, to do WILDs…

For me, in the first instance, a beginner should concentrate himself (only) on DILDs. “The obstacle course” : to get solid foundations !^^ I have been through it. I do not belong to the clan of natural lucid dreamers. I remain convinced that it’s one of the keys of my success !^^

Welcome to ld4all Andro. :smile:

I disagree with this. Lucid dreams later in the sleep cycle are longer and more likely to be remembered. I would recommend WBTB with any chosen method. It doesn’t have to be an extended WBTB even just getting out of bed to visit the toilet is enough.

I look forward to reading your future posts/topics on premonition.