The Catalyst.

AV3X - The Innerscape Adventure / Digital Meditation DVD
DVD ~ Christopher Oliver

Try this.It has increased my Lucid dreaming by 95%.
It is the most F-ed up product I ever purchased!!
I just had to share this with all of you.
You can find it at Amazon.
If you do decide to try it out, don’t forget to post your experiences!!

Could you give us some insight on what it is like and in what ways did it help you improve your lucid dreaming?

95% is a huge jump, you really should explain the product to us. Could be very handy for a lot of members.

Instant Zen state.The key to lucid dreaming is the ability to achieve higher states
of awareness while awake.I learned this truth by practicing
Ritual Magick.Namely the lower Grade rituals of the Golden Dawn.
This DVD, if you’re lucky or talented will bring you to the same states
of consciousness that these rituals or another system like yoga
can bring you to.Only quicker and without the discipline.Instead
of years it will take 5 to 10 minutes.From the moment the
images and music start, you will find it hard to move your
attention away from the t.v. almost to the point of being
scared.I was very suspicous(paranoid) of the power that the music and images
had over me.After a week of watching this DVD for a half an hour a
day, I had 3 to 4 lucid dreams a night every day of the week
and found it much easier to enter one through WILD with WBTB in the morning.
Just be careful because there are bright flashing lights and
that can cause seizures in some individuals.Another DVD I would
like to mention is called Illuminated Manuscripts.I find it less
powerful then Av3x but very relaxing.Av3x reminds me of one of those products
you hear about on the conspiracy sites that were out on the market
but the government banned them for some mysterious reason.

One more thing!

Make sure you use headphones and
it’s at night.

I hope I can order that from my local music store, sounds very enteresting. Thanks.

i don’t suppose you feel like ripping that, and sharing a DivX version on here do you? Think of us poor students!

your not Christopher Oliver are you? lol

yea RIP that shit and share with the lding community!

we have to stick together!

  • Silva

I’ll prove that I’m not Christopher Oliver.


Don’t buy this Dvd.

It sucks. :uh:

so… when can we be expecting a ripped version of this film then? :smile:

From me?

When they start selling Snoopy Snow Cones in hell. :devil:

Well, in buddhism, there are hot hells, and there are cold hells… Now, old as the universe it, I think it’s actually very unlikely that some demon HASN’T already thought of the profit possibilities of selling Snoopy Snow Cones… so, rip away :wink:

:rofl: Shushupti! Welcome to the forum btw :smile: