This may sound strange, it happened two days ago.
I was awake for 21 hours straight, then I went to sleep and slept for 4 hours, then woke up. (I had to wake up, I had some real life committment).
I was kinda still sleepy somewhat, so after about 7 hours from waking up, I wanted to go to sleep again … and I had the strangest sleep ever!
I felt like I can’t go uncouncious, it seemed like I was entering WILD, when I didn’t want to!! I was tired, I just wanted to sleep normally, I didn’t want a WILD!
What happened was, as I was lyign on bed, I started to feel my body getting heavier. Basically it’s like a brust, my body kinda tingles a little bit and I feel like … well it’s hard to explain, it’s like sinking in the bed, just feel my body get a little bit heavier. I guess it’s because of lowering blood pressure.
When that happened at first, I got scared, I thought maybe I just entered SP, so I opened my eyes and moved my body to check, and I found that I can still move.
I was scared, I didn’t want to have a WILD. From what I’ve read about it, you can experience SP during a WILD. I’ve experienced SP 3 or 4 times before. Back then I didn’t know what it was, I just felt like an invisible entity is trying to strangle me and I can’t move …
I know now it’s just like hullecinations and such, but it’s still scary and I still don’t want to experience it!
So anyway, after the first “tingle burst” (if I can call it so), I went back to sleep again, only to have it again!!
I had it several times that night, every time I move right away to make sure I’m not in SP!
At one point, I started to see a bit more vivid images (still fadish, but starting to become clearer) and I saw a flash once. I think I maybe heared a sound …
I got frustrated!!
I thought I was having a WILD … but that doesn’t make sense!! I know some people try hard alot of times before having a WILD, so how can I have it unwillingly?!
Anyway, I didn’t sleep, I had those strange feelings for half an hour, then I got up and took a shower, and stayed awake for 6 more hours, then had a normal sleep afterwards.
So, does that seem like the beginning of a WILD? and how come I couldn’t stop it?! I thought that bydefault you won’t experience the stages of sleep while being councious the whole time.
How can my body system change such that the default becomes staying councious during the experience?
Could it be caused by staying awake for a long time?
If so, maybe I’ve found a good way to wild: stay awake for a whole day (24 hours) then sleep for a short time (2-4 hours) then wakw up and stay awake for say, 5 hours, and go back to sleep and you should have a WILD with no problem
Anyway, another question.
How can I overcome my fears of WILDs and SPs?