You're not really wearing THAT, are you?

Dreams of finding oneself naked are supposed to be really common. But, has anyone else dreamed of strange clothing? If you have, please do step up to the dream catwalk and tell us!

One time I dreamed of running across an airport. In the way of dreams, my legs seemed caught. When I looked down, I was wearing a banana-yellow flamenco dress that was just impossible to move in.
I guess, that might have symbolized my cheery, people-pleasing persona that I projected in waking life… that was getting in the way of everything that would accomplish my own ambitions?

Or maybe, just getting struck by common dreamtime “sticky legs”, my SC had to quickly invent some random explanation as I was looking down. :tongue:

grumbly people that say "you aren’t wearing that are you " would be the ones in the way

it is fine to wear crazy clothes in airports, and be ourselves!

are your ambitions not related to being cheerful and people pleasing?

In your dreams! :wink: My immediate society is a choke-chain! I dreamed of this at a time when, if I voiced my true ambitions, there’s a lot of discouragement and even aggression. If I paste a smile and do what everyone else says, and say I think like everybody else does, like a good girl should, I’ll be happy.

Not. That was then. Over it now and freeee :happy:

good for freedom!

I think the oddest thing I ever wore in a dream were garments made of construction paper. I’ve never been self-conscious in nudity dreams, and in that one I had wandered to school without any clothes. The teachers were horrified, so I started making some garments out of purple paper to appease them. It was great fun, actually.

Last week my outfit was incredibly weird! I wore a long dress made out of Parma ham lol and I did it without becoming lucid, can you imagine? :tongue:

I was in a spaceship with my husband and I just told him we had a baby… it was still an embryo and was attached on a wire inside the spaceship. :alien: My husband picked up the embryo and the wire and held it in his arms. Then I saw myself in the reflection of a window wearing this long dress made of ham… :unk:
If there’s a symbolic explanation for this dream I don’t think I want to know! :tongue:
ah… and I wore red stilettos shoes with it…

… I used to consider myself a reasonably good dream interpretor, but all I get from that parma ham dress is a very boggled mind! (^_^) and a sudden craving for prosciutto. (Shut up, stomach! We’re vegetarian now!)

In my last LD I wore a skirt…
It was red and really really short! :eek:
I only wear long skirts, or short black ones IRL… phah I felt like a *****! :tongue: (lol not really at that moment but when I woke up, it was just so funny to see what I was wearing!)