i have a theory and a question and just wondered if some pros could read them and tell me if they are correct
- everytime i play basketball in my back garden i always without a doubt am reminded of LD’s and always reminded to perform RC’s and i was wondering if somehow i could use this freaky act of sub concious to try and make myself dream about basketball so i obtain LD
would that work or is there a better way to use this to LD
2)ive kept a dream journal for 3 days now and i have looked at it but the only re occuring thing in it is some sort of transport either bus or car or truck but always a wierd type of transport like self driving cars . being in a truck where my sister who cant drive is driving the truck and from the back seat or a bus which always ends up alternating between double to single deck
what my actual point is can i call this my personal dreamsigns because i dont feel that tansport is really a dream sign rather a part of the scene