I’ve had 2 LD’s. Thr first one was me in a building about 5 stories up after a nuclear war. Got got down from the building with my companions (they were male, it’s all I remember about them) at the exact time of an alien invasion. After I got past them, I remeber that I had to save my girlfriend from Warren Jeffs . His assitant gave me the keys and I went into the upper rooms. I saw her and ran and gave her a hug. Then I was lucid. I felt the dream fade so I put my hands to my face (dream hands of course) and spun. I thought vaguely about flying and found myself in the snes version of Hook. I flew but found the dream fading again) I did the Hands-to-face-spin and found myself in a residential nieghborhood. I flew around untiull i woke up.
The second one is the special one though. It happened late in the sleep cycle. You see, I’m in a boy scout troop and I had a dream about us going on a scuba tour. He said we were going to expore the stomach of a giant sea monster. When I was younger, I had a recurring nightmare about being swallowed. I did not like the course the dreams were takeing so I decided to wake up (note I wasn’t lucid, yet I knew I was dreaming…hmmmm). My eyes briefly opened and I became low level lucid. But it soon faded
My question is as follows; can opening your eyes be a good tool for lucidity.
First of all, when you know you’re dreaming, that is a Lucid Dream so why would you say the second dream wasn’t? It could have been a very low lucid dream but a lucid dream none the less.
And second, what do you mean by “can opening your eyes be a good tool for lucidity?”
I mean I opened my real life eyes for a fraction of a second. I was able to continue my dream though. It got me lucid so I wondered if it could work for others.
What he described sounded like a fake lucid dream where you behave as though you know you are dreaming but never really figure it out. (it happens to me sometimes if I have alot of lucid dreams in a short amount of time)
what ur talking about has already been discussed earlier.
When u open ur eyes,and then sleep again,but not moving ur body,u would go back to the same dream but this time u would be lucid.
There is a technique based upon what happened to you. It is called “dream reentry” or “dream chaining”. When you wake up, you don’t move at all and you just wait some seconds for a dream to start again. If you just woke up from a LD, you can enter another one very easily. It’s not necessarily the same. It’s has been said it was also possible to do this from a ND, but I never tried.
But it’s adviced to even not open your eyes cause you can just wake up and not be able to fall asleep again. Thus I think it’s better not to open your eyes.
By the way, are you sure it wasn’t a false awakening? What you describe is not so clear.
I’ve had that before, Where i’ve woke up directly from a dream, i open my eyes slightly, and see my bedroom door. I immediatly close them again, And I can still see part of the dream. Felt weird.
Just to let you know, I was trying to stop the dream because of the whole getting swallowed thing, but I then realized I was lucid, so I closed my eyes.