okk ive been out for 2 months, which i took off for testing WILD. During these two months i have recorded 25 LDs. Most of them were long ones which i had built up to and seemed to last ages(hours).A good majority of them were really clear (2 just like real life which was amazing) and i could feel/control alot of what i was doing. In the first 5 or so i spent my time exploring the area, which i think helps to create something that you recognise when dreaming, if you can try this, i recomend it. The best LDs i had were ones where i was skateboarding, i treated it just like i would in real life but progressed quicker so i was dialing tricks everytime then going for bigger stuff. I also tried flying a few times, which was wierd as i was kinda floating around then suddenly going real fast.
anyway thats it for now…it seems ive “mastered” WILD to some extent and know i will be focusing on bettering my dreams and going for more “extreme” stuff.
oh p.s kissing someone in a LD feels like it does in RL…which wierded me out
Awesome. Just awesome. I want a realistic LD so bad now…
what technique did you use? how did you practice WILD?
Sureal gives Kid_A two thumbs up
I envy you…
Knock on wood.
Great to hear about your success!
Happy Dreaming
thanks alot. as for WILD techniques I am a really light sleeper and if i tell myself to wake up at a certain time (1am) i will…this is really great for learning WILD.
oh keep trying…im sure you’ll get it soon
I think a lot of people give up on WILD too quickly because they it does not seem to work for them (they just can’t do it). My guess is a lot of these people start trying WILD without WBTB because they don’t want to make the effort like you have done. Myself being one of those people. Seriously, tests done at the lucidity institute show that for the majority of people, WILD is completely useless if you don’t use WBTB. Of course the same thing applies to MILD, but MILD can still be somewhat effective without WBTB.
So the morale here must be, that unless you have the very rare ability to stay conscious throughout slow-wave sleep(aka NREM), you need to use WBTB for this to work. The statistics speak for themselves.
(oh, and way to go! The number of people who can LD on will is starting to increase rapidly nowadays)
yaay! Yeah WILD is hard if you are just going to bed unless you’re super tired. I don’t like my alarm clock waking me very much, so i’ve avoided WBTB. My first lucid dreams were just MILD, but then I started WILD w/ WBTB, and it worked well for me, but only for a while. I started to get annoyed of waking to my alarm clock at 4am…