I had 2 Ld in the same night
But until i woke up around 5 pm i did not remember one and then went back to sleep had another Ld but when i tryed a reality check I looked at my finger normal. What can I do in my dreams my RC failed. And i am scared to keep up LDing.
Scared? Just have multiple RCs. Sometimes, one of them is going to phale
Why are you afraid to keep LDing?
Like CrazyStickFigure said, try using multiple RCs. Some RCs work better than others for some people. For me, counting fingers is not at all reliable. My most reliable RCs are the clock RC and (ironically) counting toes (if you’re barefoot). The nose RC is highly variable, but works often enough to keep using it. Your mileage may vary.
Once you figure out which RCs do and do not work reliably for you, you can forget about those that never work and focus on those that usually do work.