First of all, I had no idea where to put this, so I’m sorry if this is in wrong place.
I am meditating for 2 weeks now to increase my awareness in dream and I am already getting good results
, in other words, lots of ND s and 2 LD s. The thing I have discovered though is the different levels of thought. I classify them by levels. Level 1 is the thoughts that you usually create consciously, which sound as if you were talking to yourself. e.g when you repeat mantra in your head. Then there are less obvious, but easy to detect when meditating Level 2 thoughts. These tend to be ‘quieter’ and more randomly generated. At the end you have those peculiar Level 3 thoughts, which tend to be completely random and ‘at the back of head’. I find them very ‘quiet’ and detectable in deep meditation only after you effectively eliminated Level 1 and 2 thoughts. My question is if anybody has experienced these differences and if anybody knows more than this about these thoughts. 
I’ve done mediating a few times and when I do it for about 10 minutes or so I end up hearing something load like a truck thats about to hit me and It startles me and scares me half to death
@Sirhubi: I believe I know what you’re describing. That’s quite cool that you’re aware of the differences in thought depth.
I wouldn’t say “Level 2” and “3” thoughts are randomly generated exactly, but are probably related to your overall present-time frequency, if you will. From what I’ve experienced, your basic emotional state acts as a shaper of subconscious thoughts.
Oftentimes, music or movies can have lasting effects in our mindspace. Have you ever watched a scary movie and then later, when lying down to sleep, found that scary images (maybe from the movie) are flitting through the movie? Even though you aren’t consciously trying to think about it?
Meditating and dreaming has shown me that our minds rarely ever stop. In fact, I think dreaming–in some cases (not all)–might be the same phenomenon as the constant subconscious chatter that’s happening in our minds while we’re awake.
One way, I think to connect to deeper thoughts is through emotion. When you stop and ask yourself, “What am I really feeling right now?” Or if you simply notice what you might be feeling in the background but ignoring, you’ll notice a stream of thoughts/images along with it.
A great exercise for zeroing in on our deepest thoughts is writing out 100 questions. Start by writing out the first question that jumps into your mind, and then, without analyzing it, or trying to answer it, ask the next question that jumps into your mind as you ask that question, and so on and so forth. Don’t think, just ask and write.