So, right, I was ‘cleaning my room’ (read: lying in bed wrestling with my cat) and I suddenly felt tired, so I lolled my head and closed my eyes. I noticed myself thinking about a dream rather than dreaming it, and realized that I might be able to get into the dream this way. I concentrated on dreaming, and soon found myself in a semi-lucid dream: my eyes were closed, but I was seeing what was going on in my mind, mainly because I was making what was going on. I managed to get it working simply by thinking “open your eyes, get up, get up, open your eyes”, and basically telekinetically controlling my body in the dream. After that, I did what I wanted to do, and woke myself up.
Unfortunately, what I wanted to do didn’t exactly work. I created a watch on my hand (which was created instantly, since I was controlling the short dream), that would control whether I was lucid dreaming or not with a toggle switch thing. I’m not sure how well it worked, because 30 minutes later I was asleep again (I’m not very good at cleaning my room) and had a non-lucid dream, during which I ran through my grandmothers house and thought something along the lines of “oh, come on, am I ALWAYS chased through here? How about some variety” but didn’t become lucid.
So, 2 things. 1: have people practiced getting into a lucid dream by WILDing like that, just thinking about it while you’re kind of drowsy, and 2: Why didn’t my dream watch work. Maybe I didn’t make it specific; should I have also said, while I was making the watch, “It will bring me into a lucid dream” instead of just saying “It will light up when I either flip this switch or become lucid”?