I was looking through the Forum and threads, and I saw something called a “Dream Clock.” Can anyone explain what that is?
It’s a concept WritersCube came up with. Essentially you open the clock in your dreams and it will have two sections, dream time and real time. You set what you want for each for time conversion. Example: You set 60 seconds dream time, 1 second real time. Then, theoretically, your mind converts time in that manner so 1 second in real time feels like 60 seconds. He’s been known to log dreams lasting two weeks or longer in dream time while it being only one sleep cycle.
Wow! That seems amazing. Have you or anyone you know tried it out? That seems really interesting…
I’ve tried it with some success, as in going from about 2 minutes real time to 5 minutes dream time. I’d suggest you check out WritersCube’s DJ, most of his dreams are extended using the dream clock, though at this point I don’t think he has to pull out the clock itself
I already started to read his Dream Journals actually! I am super jealous of his skill of Lucid Dreaming… I can’t believe he has been LDing since he was four!!!