A dream leading up to a lucid dream?

I had a dream where I was with my mother, at a kind of flea market.Later in the dream ,while I was wandering on my own,I thought to myself,my mother is dead,which she is.Could this have turned into a lucid dream, knowing I was just with her moments ago.because I was rationalizing in the dream.

Well yes i could have turned into an LD :bow:
Well just remember to do RC and that will really help out. :happy:

That’s how I first experienced getting lucid … I saw my mum in a dream and realised she shouldn’t be there because she was dead.

:welcome: myaceline :smile:

every night I have dreams with my mother in them who died months ago.Can I use this as a way of having lucid dreams,and if so,how.

Before you go to bed, set your intention to do an RC if you see your mother… Some people repeat “I will have a lucid dream” or some other phrase in their head as they fall asleep to induce LDs, but you could use something like “I will do a reality check when I see my mother” instead. Then, hopefully you will remember your intention when you see your mother in a dream. :smile:

That was a bit sad DS… Well, you had chanse of seeing her like you remembered her. Just rembemer that everytime you see your mother you are dreaming. With some will it’ll give plenty of LDs.


GOAL !! POL-BEL 1-0 !!! :tongue:

no more of it i swear :tongue: