A dry spell?

I’ve been having a situation for about a month. So I thought I’ll ask for some advice:

When I started LD in end November, during the end of year hols(my hols here in Singapore are Nov and Dec, June, and 1 week in September and March), my progress was great. After 1 week, my first LD, and after 3 weeks in total, another, and by 1 month in total later, I had 8 or so already! Getting better and better.
It was on one particular week, that I had about 4 LDs, and 14 in total already, so I decided that I’ll keep my dream journal solely on LDs from then on. Suprisingly, since I made that decision, my LDs suddenly disappeared!
For 2 weeks after, I tried in vain to achieve LDs. Then I managed to get hold of 1 before the new year.
Since then, my last LD was somewhere in late January when I drank some coffee at dinner, then went to sleep.
Anyway, recently, I have borrowed “EWLD” by Stephen LaBerge.

I hope someone that probably had the same experience as me can give some advice, cause, although I won’t give up, I find it fruitless to spend time in the wrong way. I want to maximise my time.

I thought that maybe, because of my school life, I’m having some problems. You see, since school started, I go to sleep at 11pm and wake up at 6am. No time for WBTB definitely. But during weekends, I do try, but there doesn’t seem to be successful as when I did it during the hols!

Is the problem of me not keeping enough dreams causing me the dryspell? Is it some minor factor, but turned into a major factor because of the placebo effect at fault?

Oh and thank you in advance.

Did you try to keep dream journal again about every dream?

I have that problem too during school. I think when other aspects of your life demand your attention (such as studying, homework, etc), it’s harder to have LD’s.

I’d recommend you go back to recording all of your dreams, and try as hard as you can to not be stressed out. I know it’s easier said than done, but I bet it’ll help.

Rather common. I think it indicates a little lack of motivation. Perhaps you should practice only during weekends, but with more motivation?

ok thanks, I have been keeping my dream journal on every dream I had from then on… and wadda u know? I had an LD last night!

More advice is of course welcome!

To have natural LDs is to build a relationship between you and your subconsicous. When you stop recording normal dreams, it is like saying:

“I expect you to pick up the phone when I call you, but I am not going to pick up the phone when you call me.”

You send your subconscious a very ill message when you decide to dismiss normal dreams.

I have had dry spells too, some as long as six months(usually due to laziness). But, once you start to lucid dream, you will never lose the ability to have them, even if only one time per year(god forbid!). I think the most important thing is remembering ALL your dreams, and from there you see patterns and discrepancies that may trigger lucid dreaming. For me it is water. When I dream of water(quite often) I instantly go lucid. I think keeping a dream journal is the best way to achieve frequent lucid dreaming. Good luck!