I’ve been having a situation for about a month. So I thought I’ll ask for some advice:
When I started LD in end November, during the end of year hols(my hols here in Singapore are Nov and Dec, June, and 1 week in September and March), my progress was great. After 1 week, my first LD, and after 3 weeks in total, another, and by 1 month in total later, I had 8 or so already! Getting better and better.
It was on one particular week, that I had about 4 LDs, and 14 in total already, so I decided that I’ll keep my dream journal solely on LDs from then on. Suprisingly, since I made that decision, my LDs suddenly disappeared!
For 2 weeks after, I tried in vain to achieve LDs. Then I managed to get hold of 1 before the new year.
Since then, my last LD was somewhere in late January when I drank some coffee at dinner, then went to sleep.
Anyway, recently, I have borrowed “EWLD” by Stephen LaBerge.
I hope someone that probably had the same experience as me can give some advice, cause, although I won’t give up, I find it fruitless to spend time in the wrong way. I want to maximise my time.
I thought that maybe, because of my school life, I’m having some problems. You see, since school started, I go to sleep at 11pm and wake up at 6am. No time for WBTB definitely. But during weekends, I do try, but there doesn’t seem to be successful as when I did it during the hols!
Is the problem of me not keeping enough dreams causing me the dryspell? Is it some minor factor, but turned into a major factor because of the placebo effect at fault?
Oh and thank you in advance.