I started looking into LD’s about a week and a half ago and was lucky enough to have a LD after about a week. I did lot’s of RC’s and read one night about waking up a couple hours early then trying MILD. It worked. Anyway, after waking up what caught my attention was this distinct but dull ache I had in my brain up above and centered between my eyebrows. I’d never felt this before and never had an LD before so was wondering if this was normal or if anyone had a similar experience. It felt like the energy for my LD was centered in this part of my brain…very wierd feeling. Anyone else felt anything like this??
I don’t think it has anything to do with LDs, since their just dreams as normal dreams, except that you know youre dreaming. I’ve had some headache too when waking up in the morning, it annoys me and my day usually gets even worse after that
Oh yeah, I know that sensation well Don’t worry, its nothing to worry about, but it is definitely annoying. In fact, the location you specified is exactly where it bothers me sometimes. It usually occurs when I force myself awake, but really just depends.
For me, waking normally with a headache feels nothing like the bizarre sensation felt sometimes after exiting an LD. The only way I can describe it is that the standard headache is a sensation felt on my forehead. The other is a sensation felt actually within the brain structure.
I’m glad someone else felt what I felt. I was beginning to think I had made the whole thing up. I’m surprised it doesn’t seem to be very common though… Or no one knows why this happens??? There’s gotta be a biological answer of some kind.