A frustrating, incredibly short and kinda funny LD.

Well, it was funny purely because I was actually lying in my bed acting out what I was trying do, as if I was “awake”…

I was trying to look under my bed, I remember even leaning down and looking under my bed and seeing some socks… I then pulled myself back up as I was thinking about LDing for a split second.

I realized, hey I really should do a RC by looking at my hands… and yea basically I looked at my hands, got suprised and kinda knocked myself out of the LD instantly after looking at my left hand.

It was such a short LD… but when I woke up I realized a pretty important difference in the dream to reality. In my dream it was night time, yet when I woke up just after it was actually day time. My dream was different in that it was missing my hockey stick from under my bed.

It was quite silly… but it was kind of cool to have had another dream like my first, where I was in my typical surroundings. It kind of makes me want to keep doing RC’s so I can experience waking up more consistanly in a dream so I can actually get past the initial shock of it all…

7 lucid dreams so far… none have lasted longer than 10 seconds from what I can recall. sigh :cry: I wonder how many LD’s I must have until I become stable enough to stay lucid for longer.

Something is not right, if after 7 LDs you are still being throwed out of it :neutral: . Good that you recogenized “lying in my bed acting out what I was trying do, as if I was awake” DS.:tongue:

You can. I think that you are just getting too excited while realizing that you’re dreaming. Just stay calm, know that you can stay in dream.

Yeah when i didn’t know anything about LDs and what you could do in them i had a couple of random ones that lasted ages, now that i try to have them and know about them whenever i get one it seems to only be about 2 minutes, but im not sure whether its just my poor recall.

well I wasn’t trying to spot dreamsigns or anything, with all my LD’s they come unexpectingly… I seriously just wanted to do something IRL but it turned out to be a dream LOL… bad timing for me I suppose. so I suppose I should start a possible dreamsign list. i’ll do that in a new topic hehehe. thanks for that DeadDuck you made me realise it could actually help me get into LD’s ! thanks.

thanks also “s”, I guess I do need to be less excited about it all, but then again I can’t help it so much so, i’m just that way lol.