OK, first post
I’ve been trying mostly WILD during the night ( i know its bad to do it the first dream phase but I mess around to see how far I get anyway lol) and it doesn’t usually work because of these two big problems…
I see this zooming in, zooming out, pulsing balck holish thing and when I “look” into it, I open my eyes which ruins it
Any advice on how to “combat” these annoying effects of WILD?
Also, one more question :3
When I attempt WBTB, sometimes I’m awake too much to start over WILD, any idea why this might be?
Thanks alot for reading this all lol. If you have any recommended techniques please tell me. I just want a lucid dream
For the Swallowing Effect, the trick is not to worry about it. Thats what I hear anyways.
For your problem with not being able to fall asleep, just dont stay up as long. If I stay up for 45 minutes ( the suggested amount), there is no chance ill fall back asleep.
Firstly, I don’t recommend WILD for beginners coz it requires immense concentration but that does not mean you shouldn’t try it.I am saying this from My personal experiences with WILD.Try it, If it works for you and you can easily manage to pull it off, but from your post it seems you have some difficulties.
Now the problems,
I don’t understand which zooming effect you are talking about?When you are attempting WILD.Do you see with your ‘eyes’ or with the eye of your mind?
See with the eye of your mind.
Try to maintain your eyes still and relax them.They will start to move rapidly as you see some visualization.The moment you realize My eyes are opening, relax them in a particular position or you can keep them pointing towards your forehead.
For swallowing, drink water before you go to sleep, and use a pillow to adjust your neck so even if saliva starts to collect it will straight go down your throat and not collect in your mouth.
You have to figure out how much time you should be awake to use WBTB.WBTB is a method to wake from sleep and keep your mind awake and body tired.When attempting WILD+WBTB make sure you get out of your bed or go to pee or drink some water come back sit down try to maintain your awareness your intention to perform WILD.Lie down, If repeating mantra keeps you awake try concentrating on your breath, feel your breath when it goes inside your nostril and when you exhale.When attempting WILD don’t keep thinking that you are attempting WILD this will keep you awake the whole night. Focus on your breath try to focus on your breath until you feel your body numb and some imagery appears and the image turns in 3D.For some HI may or may not occur.
All the best!!!
First of all, I want to welcome you to this forum. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.
As Dreamcatcher said, WILD is hard to accomplish. I would certainly recommend you easier techniques such as MILD. Still, maybe you will succeed, who knows… Anyways, I’ll try to answer your questions.
I see you are having problems with maintaining your eyes closed. Try to relax them, don’t stress too much. Also, before doing WILD do this technique:
Close your eyes
Open them and close fast again
Repeat until your eyelids are tired enough.
About the swallowing… Simply swallow, swallow naturally. It may make the WILD proccess last longer, but it’s certainly better than torturing yourself with the urge to swallow. As others suggested, you may also lay on your side or stomach. Simply try not to think about it, let your body do it naturally. Keep your thoughs on something else.
Now the WBTB technique. It’s not necessary for WILD. Actually, you can skip WBTB if you have difficulties falling asleep. If you do WBTB, stay no longer than 10 minutes or so. The time depends from person to person, so adjust it to yourself. Make sure you fall asleep easily.
I hope that helps. If you have more questions, feel free to ask. Good luck on your future WILD attempts!
Actually, here’s something interesting. I just had a random DILD. This is my first lucid dream EVER! anyways…
It wasn’t exactly clear but I do remember randomly doing a RC ( breathing rc, u hold ur nose and try o breath thru it) and realizing… “wait wtf how can i breath?”.
Suddenly, boom it came to me. First thing I did was scream and do a little dance
Afterwards I rushed into my house (I was outside it for some reason) and told my parents to disappear or something. They didn’t but my dad got pissed and walked away XD. My mom said WTF r u talking about lol. I just left my house and decided,“What the hell, I wanna fly”. The thing is, whenever I jumped, I floated down like a feather. I even tried jumping off my roof, nope. Kinda like this except I fell slower…
I dunno, weird… and then I lost my vision, like it was black for a few seconds, I remembered that you rub your palms together to gain more lucidity, and yeah, it worked… for a bit. Then black again… then total black and I wake up
At least I had one lol. I was a bit disappointed because of the whole “not clear at all” thing. Like, I can control the dream, just not for long… it’s like I lose control. I dunno. Any advice for more clearness?
And thanks for all the welcomes.
TL;DR, I had a DILD, I had a bit of fun, couldnt fly, and lost lucidity. Why lol?
and also, that “pulsing black hole thing” i mentioned before? Its when my eyes are closed. It’s in my “eyes eye” i guess you can call it. It happening during the random spoltches of color part… like, i dont know how to explain it. oh well.
EDIT: I forgot too add that this was actually a mistake lol, I didnt even try to have an LD. Lucky huh?
Congrats on your LD. I wouldn’t worry too much about lack of control in your first LD. You even did better than most do, because a) you didn’t instantly wake up b) didn’t lose lucidity within seconds.
Congrats! I have tried WILD far too many times and have never gotten it. It generally ends in me not being able to fall asleep, and then desperately trying to fall asleep in any way possible when I realize I’ve been awake for 2 or 3 hours. My first LD, like yours, was a RCILD. Since then, all my dreams have been spontaneous DILD’s. I’d just say keep doing what it takes to get DILD’s, like writing in your dream journal [I have a link to a guide about that in my sig] and doing reality checks. And above all, just be confident and don’t worry about not succeeding. Hope that helps.
Thanks guys!
Before I had that dream, I tried to do a WILD, but I gave up and fell asleep normally. I was going to do a WBTB, but I didnt want to wake up everybody next to my room ( lol I was using this app on the 3ds to work as an alarm for a wbtb ) so I went about plugging in some headphones into the 3ds and slept. Well, I woke up 20 minutes AFTER I was supposed to, (the headphones fell out ) but i woke up anyway so i thought " well ok, im late… lets wing it" Fell asleep and boom lol, that was unexpected
Oh and thanks for the tips, Okapis and BRB!
I wrote down the dream in my DJ as soon as I woke up