A purpose for a LD

Looking through my dream diary, I have noticed a pattern. Whenever I have something to do in a LD, for example to give a DC a message or find the way to a certain place, it is much easier to get a LD. I couldn’t even remember my dreams for a long time, until I challenged Dark Sider about who could get to Valinor first. I had a LD last night. :cool:

Maybe it helps to think a lot about “In my next LD, I will remember to…” The LD becomes just a step on the way to another goal, not the goal itself. Maybe it makes it appear to the subconscious as more easy to get?

Sounds reasonable. Is there a definite pattern, or is just a coincedence?

We would find out if more people tried this, wouldn’t we? :cool:

True, we could. Well, maybe it’s just your trying harder when you have a goal. I was trying harder at the beginning of the month, and had two LDs, and the rest of the month I had zippo.

I’ll give this a shot. I’ll post about how it goes.

watches Paradox have a LD

I definately think that it does. Many different books and people (like LaBarge) think that this is a good way to increase your lucid dream frequency.


Yeah I think this really does happen; looking through my DJ i noticed my LDing rate went up went I started keeping a list of goals to accomplish.

I agree too :cool: But it only seems to work if the goal is really something that you want to do in the LD. If it’s only something that you think “well I should probably do that in the next LD” then it might not work that well at all. But atleast for me I seem to get most LDs if I actually remember that I want to WILD when I wake up :razz:

But having something to do in the next LD doesn’t always work for me for some reason. If there’s really something that I want to do, I don’t always seem to remember to do it in a LD anyway :cry: But other things that I haven’t even planned to do seem to slip into NDs and LDs anyway. Like after I realised how I could make things and people appear and disappear just by moving my hand infront of them and “willing” I could make things happen.

Now I seem to have started doing that I dreams all the time and all I did was to imagine myself doing it one night when going to sleep. I really wish that this would work with everything because then I could finally get my dreaming self to do RCs :cool:

I agree… it’s harder when you just ‘want to have LD’ not knowing clearly what you have to do. Thanks for useful tip!

That’s also cool idea… not a challenge of who gets more LD’s, but to accomplish something. LD skills should be equal though.

From what I have experienced and read, it doesn’t even matter how complex or simple the task is. It could be something as simply as looking at your hand when you become lucid, as long as you have SOMETHING that you will do the next time you become lucid.


I think the big difference is between “I want to be lucid” and “When I become lucid, i want to…” It makes the subconscious believe it will be lucid, sooner or later. :cool:

Hey siiw what you say is also claimed by Laberge, he actually instructs that when you do MILD, you use a few minutes to clearly define what you want to do in your next LD as this will help you become lucid according to him.

I haven’t read any of his books. :clown: The idea came from a family member, in fact. :cool:

having a set goal to achieve is a great idea.

I remember in my sealife team we had a goal to see who can reach the moon in their LD. I managed to do it after some time!

my next goal is to meet a spirit guide/angel… but im always too freaked out/scared once im in the astral/LD :neutral:


:happy: me and my brother had this challenge going on for a while, but neither of us got there. I tried it many times; one of the times I flew towards it for a long time but I didn’t get any closer to it, and in other trials it come down to earth and morphed into a giant spherical submarine :bored: !!

Hm i didnt know Laberge had any family that writes books? :wink:

throws a slimy fish at Xetrov

I was talking to my brother! :tongue:

this is a good idea and it keeps you from getting caught in repetitive ld patterns and traps that you might be tired of doing but do out of habit/low lucidity anyway.

This may have been the reason I had such a high success rate when I first started LDing. I wanted to cure my night terrors through LD’s, so LDing wasent the goal. Actually, since then I have just wanted to LD and have kind of forgoten about my night terrors in general. I could try this out again to make curing my night terrors the top of my list of goals, and see if the LD’s increase in quantity and quality.