So, I cant really remember my dreams…Last night, though, I think i remember a cop car and kind of remember seeing it in third person, not first (i think it was a VILD?)
So, if I keep a dream journal and try to remember my dreams and at leasst record that “i couldnt remember”. i should remember my dreams?
Also, when your eyes are closed, and they feel weird, kinda like there moving, is this rapid eye movement?
And, yesterday, i couldnt remember jack, as in, i couldnt remember being IN a dream at all…whats this?
thank you for everything, i wouldreally like to lucid dream
oh, and one more thing, how much do these gadgets for stimulating LD etc cost? any links to websites that sell them?
well, seeing a dream in third person does not make it a VILD but if you intentionally incubated a cop car chase scene (visualized it over and over until you fell asleep and then dreamt the same exact thing) and if you were conscious that you were dreaming, then it would be a VILD of sorts.
yes, if you start a journal and write down anything after you wake up from a dream, even if it is that you cant remember anything, your subconscious will pick up on your conscious desire and effort to recalling your dreams, your memory will improve. its a practice. write down anything that comes to your mind even if youre not sure thats what you dreamt. images, songs or a vague uncomfortable feeling. here is an exercise that helped my dream recall tremendously: before you lie down to go to sleep, sit on your bed and go through your whole day backwards, from the last thing you did/thought before you start the exercise to the first thing you thought of when you woke up that morning. it may be difficult at first, it was for me because my normal memory sucks. but it gets easier fairly quickly. try to remember sensory things and thoughts, but also try not to get carried away with thinking about what happened during the day. just remember it like a reverse movie. oh also, dont try too hard and beat yourself up over remembering your dreams. just relax and lie there, reach back into your mind and fish for it gently. the dream will come if youre relaxed!
hrm, the eye thing. do you mean when youre trying to fall asleep and your eyes are not relaxed and they kind of twitch/vibrate? im pretty sure no one feels their REM when it happens. youre alseep after all
you couldnt remember being in a dream at all. thats called really bad recall and people have bouts of it all the time, especially when they are not in the practice of trying to remember their dreams. it will go away soon if you keep journaling.
i dont know much about the gadgets, but from what ive read in these threads, theyre pretty pricey. like 100+. but you can always make your own devices. take a look in the lucidity tools forum.
Remembering your dreams is a skill which takes a bit of time to develope. The first few days you may not remember much at all, but if you make it your intention to remember your dreams you will soon see results. The important thing is to make your brain know that dreams ARE important and something it should remember. With a bit of practice and motivation I bet you will be remembering dreams in detail in no time. Be sure to write down your dreams the second you wake up, wait a minute and you cant remember as much.