A question, one about lds in general one about recall

Okay well the first isnt exactly a question but my dream recall has pretty much sucked so far, i cant remember jack squat… I think it is because i will repeat in my head the little mnemonic but after a few minutes i just fade and forget to keep repeating it then eventually fall asleep, any ideas on what i should do?

Second question is out of ignorance, I havent had an ld But what i never understood about them, When you finally have one, when your concious there thinking okay im asleep, is it just like being in the real world except being in your mind, like you see through your eyes and it seems like real, or is it just like your watching your dream while being able to control it?

For the first part, maybe try to record your voice, and then listen to it all night.

For the second part, mine are like if I was walking around in the real world, but I could do WHAT ever I wanted.

For most people it is like being in the real world (sometimes is can be more vivid) with your normal self. That said I have had third person LD’s before, but you can always change back into first person if you don’t like it.

How vivid and real a dream seems typically depends on lucidity, if you’re at high level lucidity then your dream will be very much like real life, at lower levels it can seem a little hazy and not as real.