I was just wondering… About a year ago I had this feeling I was awake and I got out of bed and went downstairs. My mom was at the table and she was telling me something about a thing I had to pay for volleyball or something… Or a friend. Anyways, is was to do with some kind of debt. Then I walked away from here and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Then all of a sudden I was in my bed and I was very hungry. I didn’t understand it. Was it some sort of LD? A few days after the dream I told my mom that I had to pay someone something, but I couldn’t remember who and how much… So I told her I talked to her that morning but she didn’t remember… Very strange…
I’ve had it more often… My friends sometimes say my mind is somewhere else half of the time… Do you know what it is?
It’s a FA.
Personally, that doesn’t sound at all like a LD to me, but if you really wanna know, ask yourself this: Did you know you were dreaming?
If the answer is yes, then you were lucid.
If the answer is no then you weren’t.
If the answer is ‘I dunno’ then you probably weren’t.
Hope that helps .
Sounds like it was just a normal dream to me. What about the dream makes you think it was a LD?
Isn’t a false awakening just like a Lucid Dream.
No. A FA is when you think you woke up but, really you are still asleep.
But you can become lucid in a FA (by taking RC’s every time you wake up).
If I understand, Ellen remember the event (talking to her mother) as it really happend. But it didn’t. That’s right, Ellen ?
As she wake up hungry, and in the previous event she was in the kitchen eating something, we can deduce that the previous event was a dream, where she went in the kitchen eating something, because she was hungry in her sleep. So we can suppose it is a FA.
But what is weird is that she remember the dream as it was real.
I had a similar experience few years ago : I remembered that I had seen a very interesting book in a bookshop, but I didn’t buy it. During two months, when I was talking with friends, I always thought “Too bad I haven’t bought this book, it’s just the subject we’re talking about, it would be so interesting if I knew the content of this book”.
So, I decided to make the purchase, went to the bookshop (which I knew perfectly)… and when I was inside, realized that the bookshelfs were different than in my memories. The bookshelf I remembered didn’t exist.
My memories were very precise, I knew the title, author, edition and what the book looked like, and where I could find it. On the shelfs, there was a book of the same author, on the same subject, same edition, but the book I searched had never existed (I verified in the books dictionnary).
I was so surprised that I went to others bookshops to verify if I haven’t seen it anywhere else. But I had to recognize it was a false memory IRL. Probably a dream memory that had put place in my waking memories, I don’t know why…
It’s happened to me too and probably happened to a number of other people. I dreamt I’d bought a CD and in the day time went to put it on… only I didn’t have it.