A question

It has been awhile since ive posted but lately my NDs have been really vivid. So vivid ive been getting confuzed, and i think my dream that night happened the day before, and ill go thinking that all day until i relize that didnt happen. Is this normal?

Also i wanted to mention a weird thing that happened. My Aunt has a dream dictionary that tells you what your dreams mean, and the last week before i looked at it i had dreams where i was at partys with other people. I looked up Party in the book and i found it, it said Being at a party with others will lead you to good fortune. That day i made $50! $50 is great fortune for me, isn’t that weird?


Hmm that’s weird, $50. I don’t think those dream dictionarys are to accurate. Being at a party in a dream can mean lots of things.

i dont really understand how those dream dictionaries can be true at all. It seems to me like things in dreams mean completely different things to different people.

yougamer, I don`t think that it is unusual that you mix up very vivid dreams and reality, as long as you do relize at some point that they are different. :grin: If your dreams become very vivid, it can take a while to get used to that. Lack of vividness is offen a sign that something was a dream, and when your dreams become very vivid, it is easy to get them mixed up with reality. You just need to focus on other things to tell the difference. If you flew, walked through walls, etc. then you know it was a dream. With practice and experance you should be able to tell the difference without any problem. :wink:

I dont get confuzed with dreams where i walk through walls and stuff, i mean more relistic dreams like i had a dream where my friend came over, and the next day i thought my friend was over at my house the day before. And at evening i got to thinking it was a dream. My unrelistic dreams are still vivid but i know i was dreaming with them ones. It is just weird.

Also i dont beleive in dream dictionarys either but i think it was just weird, i thought i would share the weird story.

Oh yeah, i have another question. How can i continue Normal Dreams easily? I had the greatest dream last night and my mom woke me while i was having it. I was so mad, it was a awesome dream. I’m really interested to continue it. Also i havent been trying to LD lately becuase i am taking a big break. I plan to continue again as soon as my brother moves out after Christmas so i have my own room (he shares a room with me).

Thank you