A quick noob question

Hello everyone! I am a new Lucid Dreamer (well not quite yet) I’ve been attempting WILD because I feel I have the confidence to do it. It’s been 2 nights getting close but no luck, however, I feel I am getting off topic. I am currently building my dream journal and last night I had somewhat of a strange dream where I was at school and I was looking for my class cause it was the first day of the fall semester (which is coming up, and this dream related to that) and I remember I was in a big dorm with 4 other people (odd haha) and we all had to write our schedules on this white board for some reason. I remember writing my schedule and running to class because it was late but I remember reading the class number to find my class. Which begs the question, can RC’s be done with numbers? I know Time is a good RC and reading is a good RC, but this was really misleading and I never realized I was in the dream because I could physically read the number of the class and report to it. Are numbers affected by dreamscape? Sorry if this question has been asked before, and the long read, but I am really curious. Thanks in advance for all future replys!

~Angth :wink:

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

Welcome Angth!!! and yes, numbers, letters, symbols etc can all possibly change if you look away at it then look back at it :happy: Had you looked back at the schedule, its very possible you may have seen something else, done a reality check and become lucid!!!

Goshhh! I wish I was more experienced because I really would have loved to become lucid! I’m just going to keep trying at it, and doing my RC’s frequently so this doesn’t happen again :tongue:

adding on to what limitless said, clocks and wallpaper also change when you look back on them

Thanks a lot Rubiks Cube Man! :wink:

I need as many RC’s as I can get my hands on at this point