A really odd thing happened tonight (read, please, it's odd)

Okay, so… I went to bed. Was totally focused on having an LD. Fell asleep. And then…
I think I dreamed about having Sleep Paralysis – complete with hallucinations of certain figures besides my bed! How weird isn’t that? What makes it even weirder is that I somehow KNEW what was going on, and I took the tip from this very site; to close my eyes and pretend they weren’t there.

How come I didn’t have an LD after that, when I apparently realized I was dreaming? Or was I actually having a real one (SP w/ hallucinations) without knowing?

Well, it would not be a lucid dream if you wasn’t aware of the fact that you are dreaming.

One thing is not clear to me though…
Did you really have SP/HH and then had a normal dream, or did you dream about having SP/HH?

If you really had it, then you lost focus and fell asleep (which happens really often at WILD).You have to be relaxed, but not that much or you will fall asleep.

If you dreamed about having it…well, it’s not weird…it was a dream.Dreams are strange.

Most of lucid dreamers had normal dreams about being lucid.Nothing weird…

I dreamt about having an SP/HH – or at least that’s what I think. There’s where the strangeness comes in. If I only had an ND about having an SP/HH, wouldn’t that DS (remembering what I read here in an awaken state) make me enter an LD? That’s what I thought…

If this post made no sense, let me know. I can clarify. At least if you’re specific…

Actually it wouldn’t.

I already said- most of lucid dreamers eventually get a normal dream about lucid dreaming…without becoming lucid.

Come on, you see it every day.
You know monsters don’t exist (I hope)…you don’t become lucid when you see one.

We even have an acronym for that - FLD.

Being lucid is not what you do in a dream - it’s what you feel, it’s what you think at that moment.
By pure definition, you have a LD when you know that you’re dreaming, and it is perfect that way, there is nothing to add.
And to be aware you’re dreaming, you must first ask yourself the question, that is, “Am I dreaming?” That is be the only thing distinguishing a ND from a LD.
SP/HH are becoming parts of your conscious life, so you dream about them like you dream about school, friends, and family, and can be classified as DS like a dinosaur can. If you didn’t get lucid at the sight of a dinosaur (IE, not your case I presume :tongue:) then why wonder so much you didn’t get lucid having dream SP?
Even if SP/HH were pretty strong DS, you still had to be there first, like for any other DS, questioning if you effectively were in a dream or not.

I’ll also tell you, form experience, those DS are pretty hard to catch for me, because anything like that makes me thing i’m still not in a dream, and so I let the whole thing pass; instead, if it is a formed scene and I experience something odd, then it’s either dreams or reality, and it’s easy to distinguish between the two, IE with a RC (which you can’t do in HI/SP, even a dreamt one :tongue:).

When did I say I dreamt about lucid dreaming?

I said I was dreaming about having an SP/HH - and remembering something from my awaken state - without seeing any of that as a DS, not causing me to enter an LD. Or if that’s what you meant, somehow.

See what every day?

What? Isn’t that the whole point of looking for a DS!? Seeing something you know isn’t real, and as such realize you’re dreaming, and thus becoming lucid?

I’m sooo confused.


Tosxychor, as your reply was so long, I won’t quote it – none of us needs to have that wall of text twice. So I’ll just…

Thank you for your reply! The first half of it seemed like you not understanding me, though. But the second half gave me most of my answers. Thank you.

You have misinterpreted my post.

I know you had a ND about having SP/HH.

I said it’s not necessarily a dreamsign.
Cause many people dream about having lucid dreams without getting lucid.
And how would they get lucid if they dream about SP/HH?
You see what I mean now?

And NO…monsters and such things are NOT necessarily dreamsigns…
'Cause there would be no NDs, just NDs considering that every dream is ‘‘impossible’’.

You see?

Only some things are dreamsigns…you can miss them, or you can realize they are dreamsigns, be it spontaniously or by practice and mantras.

Ah, I get it now.

Sorry about that.