A suggestion and a question

While i was riding the tram today i was in a quite philosophical mood, thinking about life and stuff.

Then i came up with this, a question to ask a DC in my next LD:
Its my real interest what the answer would be, and also quite philosophical in a way of telling things about yourself.
The question is as follows:

“Do you believe in a life after the dream?”

You could even ask this yourself if you are dreaming.
I have no idea what the answer would be or what i would say if i am in the dream myself.
We´ll see.

If you manage to do this i would love to hear about your experiences!

The next thing is something i would like to ask of you.
Think of a joke, a piece of comedy or just something
a blind man would find funny.
Or better not just funny, but hilarious. Something he could laugh about with his whole heart.
Would you do this for me?

Aye, i’ll try it. I’ve been wondering what to do in my LDs since i did the quest

umm, david mitchells anti-tory rant?

also good question
though i dunno about asking yourself. if you could ask the question, you would be lucid, and if you were lucid, you would know that there was life after dreaming