I found this site out on the web and it takes 10 minutes. It contains illusions and sound questions and even taste and smell
I got 11 rights of 20
I found this site out on the web and it takes 10 minutes. It contains illusions and sound questions and even taste and smell
I got 11 rights of 20
16/20 that was a fun test!
god damn i suck.
I only got 10 right out of twenty, but my two least favorite questions were the “what tastes good?” questions. Seems like that would be subjective…
nice 1 ghostie
thanks ^^
nice test with the sound on test i got only 11 later retaking the test but saying the sound is off so i have some new questions i got 17
i hate the
\ l…l
Youre welcome, this test was more popular than I thought, whats your result?
Thanks everyone who takes this test
oops 9 out of 20 too
/me truits self
I feel stupid
Some are trivia, and not stuff that are sense tests. Really, I fail to see why not knowing where vomit smell is located in relates to my senses.
yes, many questions aren’t really related.
Like Pineapple and what makes a good combination ??
I dont even like pineapples
that was the only one I got wrong (although I did guess on more than one question )
It looks like I’ve tied with Arabinator with 6/10…
thanks for that, I’m gonna try again, just to feel smart!
EDIT: I took it again, and got 18/20.
But most of that was based on memory, not my senses. Oh well, Mission accomplished.
I did pretty good (well, I think so)
Thank you everyone who took this test, its fun to see how easily the humans mind can be fooled especially the test of your eyes are the hardest IMO
I showed the test to my friend, and she scored 9/20.
Better than me!
Oh… that was a good waste of time at work!
Not bad…
pretty average
The taste ones were pretty subjective.