A Test of your senses

I found this site out on the web and it takes 10 minutes. It contains illusions and sound questions and even taste and smell :content:

I got 11 rights of 20 :cool:

16/20 :cool: that was a fun test!


god damn i suck.

I only got 10 right out of twenty, but my two least favorite questions were the “what tastes good?” questions. Seems like that would be subjective…

nice 1 ghostie :smile:

thanks ^^

nice test with the sound on test i got only 11 later retaking the test but saying the sound is off so i have some new questions i got 17

i hate the

\ l…l


Youre welcome, this test was more popular than I thought, whats your result? :cool_raz:

Thanks everyone who takes this test :content:


oops 9 out of 20 too

/me truits self :truit:


I feel stupid :sad:

Some are trivia, and not stuff that are sense tests. Really, I fail to see why not knowing where vomit smell is located in relates to my senses.

yes, many questions aren’t really related.

Like Pineapple and what makes a good combination ??

I dont even like pineapples :sad:

that was the only one I got wrong (although I did guess on more than one question :wink: )

It looks like I’ve tied with Arabinator with 6/10… :tongue:
thanks for that, I’m gonna try again, just to feel smart! :content:

EDIT: I took it again, and got 18/20.
But most of that was based on memory, not my senses. Oh well, :content: Mission accomplished. :tongue:



I did pretty good (well, I think so)

Thank you everyone who took this test, its fun to see how easily the humans mind can be fooled :razz: especially the test of your eyes are the hardest IMO

I showed the test to my friend, and she scored 9/20.
Better than me! :tongue:

Oh… that was a good waste of time at work! :grin:


Not bad… :content:

pretty average


The taste ones were pretty subjective.