A tough morbid question...

If you had a choice to live only one more year, and you would die peacfully in your sleep. Or would you rather live 5 more years, and die drowning? OK I changed it to five, it makes the question a little harder

5 More years .
I always delay :sad:
But seriously .

1 year, I’d get bored if it were 5… (This has nothing to do with the way one would die…)

Actually, different accounts made by people who have drowned then been revived said that drowning was actually a very painless, peacful way to die.

Ok .
Say burn to death then .
That`s really painful

In that case, I’ll take one year, in sleep.

Better yet, I’ll take the five years, then shoot myself on the last day, before you can get me with your god foresaken fire.

I think drowning is actually meant to be euphoric due to the lack of oxygen. But if I was going to die from fire then i’d have to know what i was going to do in those 5 years. If i’m not allowed to know or it si nothing spectacular then die in 1 yr.

5 yrs… Even If I was going to be slowly tortured over a 24 hr period till death.

The subject of drowning is interesting, because most people probably think drowning is like an extreme version of that feeling when you’re swimminng under water and gasping for air. That uncomfortable feeling is nothing to do with lack of oxygen, but a build-up of carbon dioxide. So, if you breathe in something other than normal air, you don’t get that feeling. This is why some people commit suicide by inhaling some form of gas (such as carbon monoxide), because you are missing out on the oxygen but not getting the carbon dioxide build-up. Presumably, drowning works in the same way. Once you actually stop struggling to hold your breath in, and just start breathing in water, it probably becomes quite peaceful.

I would say the worst ways to die would probably be

  • burning
  • bleeding from a gunshot wound to the abdomen
  • being crushed by a heavy object, but not dying instantly

Quickest (but probably most horrific)

  • shooting yourself in the head
  • jumping from a great height
    (although the fall would be terrifying)
  • strapping a bomb to your body and detonating it

Most peaceful:

  • inhaling poisonous gas
  • taking sleeping tablets
  • drowning

Most bizarre experience while you die

  • freezing to death
    (apparantly this can be REALLY weird)

But back to your original question: would I rather live for 1 year and then die peacefully, or live for 5 years and then die painfully? One year, definately!



This reminds me of a story my mother once told.

The man who knew to many.
There was a man and he could look into the future. But he should never look into his own future. All went well till one day. He was curious and he wanted to look into his own future. So he did and he saw himself in a bed. He couldn’t talk, move or see, but he still lived. His wive and childeren were there and the only thing he could was hearing. He thought I better be dead than that. So he he shot himself in his head. And then he ended up in a bed, he was still alive and he couldn’t talk, move or see, he only could hear.

But back to the question. I better have 1 year and die peacefully instead of 5 years and die painfully. For me it’s not a hard choise actually…

5 years… easy choice, one year’s too little time, i want to spread my seed

Lol, nice Christo. :truit:

I’d have to go for 5 years, though I guess drowning wouldn’t be so bad. I never knew that it wasn’t that painful.

Interesting story BA. :grin:

That sounds like a plan! There’s no way I’d ever take the one year - there are too many things I want to do and I’d never be able to fit them all into one measly year!

I’ll take the 5 years…and carry a fire extinguisher around with me on my last year :tongue:

I’m comfortable with one year. Actually, either is okay with me, but dying in 1 year has its appeals. (BTW, why not make this into a poll?)

hmmm… reminds me of some part in the film Saw 2 when jigsaw speaks at the end (twisted but very clever film), but i won’t ruin the fun for people who want to watch it :content:

To answer the question… hmmm… 1 year is just too short, it’ll have to be 5!

Okay, here’s another similar question.

Which would you rather have happen to you, go deaf or lose all sensation in your sexual organs?

Thats a tough one :tongue:

One more year and die peacefully in sleep… I actually would not mind it happening sooner, as i dont find life very pleasing these days…

The latter. Sex doesn’t interest me at all anyway. But I’d hate to go deaf. That was an easy one!