Let me start by saying that I have never been interested in lucid dreaming, and have not purposely attempted to have a lucid dream. Thinking back over the last 10 years, I have had several dreams in which I knew that I was dreaming. The dreams went no further than this relization. I was not able to control things, and the thought did not cross my mind while in the dream state.
Lately I have been having a recurring theme in my dreams of being in a small house. It is usually a house that I have just rented, or am buying. In exploring the house I realize that there are many rooms that I have not noticed, that contain marvelous things. Often these new parts of the house are many times larger than the house originally was. I have discussed this dream recently with many people in an attempt to work out its meaning. What I finally determined is beside the point, the main thing is that I recognized this particular dream motif and thought about it frequently.
A few weeks ago I began to have the dream again. I was in this small apartment, trying to figure out which room would be mine, when I noticed a door that I hadn’t seen for some reason. The door opened into a fairly large house that was decoraed in a 1950’s style. Upon seeing the hidden rooms that fist though that popped ino my head was “whydo I always have dreams like this?” Obviously I became conscious of dreaming at this point. But…it didn’t stop there. I continued to think about the situation and reasoned that if this was a dream, I was free to do anything I wished. There was a old fashioned metal refridgerator in the kitchen of the house. I knew without looking that a Sprite was inside. I pushed my hand through the metal of the door and pulled out the Sprite. Putting my hand through the door took a small amount of effort, and the door actually crinkled in like an aluminum can being crushed, but it sprung out like new when I retracted my hand. The Sprite felt cold. I thought about “The Matrix” movie and began to laugh about having unlimited power. I was telling everyone in the dream that I had the power to control the dream. After some hazy scenes, I remember a girl from work telling me that I couldn’t do anything I wanted. I wanted to show her my power, and I pushed a wall down. Before it fell, and as it was falling, it became translucent. As I think about it, the fridge took on the same quality as I interacted with it. The wall fell down, and as I turned my attention away, it snapped back up into place. I had the felling that my power was waning, and that I would awake soon. That is all that I remember.
Since this dream, I have had the finding the hidden rooms/places dream on two occasions. Neither dream was lucid.
Since this dream I have become interested in lucid dreams, and would like to have more.