ActRaiser - an exercise in reptition

I was flipping through EWLD the other day and came across a passage that never really stuck out to me when I actually read through it about exercises in repetition being one of the keys to mastering MILD. For instance, one of them was to sit down and stand up 30 times without stopping.

My idea involves the Super Nintendo game ActRaiser. It might be a bit obscure for the younger of you, but it was a fantastic platform/sim game that came out around 1990 - very revolutionary. In the sim-part of the game, you play an angel flying over a growing village of humans. Surrounding the region that will become part of the town are circular demon lairs from which pop cute li’l demons that will ransack the town and kill the people if you let them. Otherwise, you can shoot them and kill them with your arrows. Each lair has a set number of demons residing within it. The number of demons you kill directly correlates to the size your town can reach.

To perform this exercise, do not direct the people towards any growth. Instead, focus on killing every demon in one particular lair. When you do, they’ll stop reappearing from it. This gets very repetitive and will strengthen your resolve when trying to MILD your way to lucidity. While you’re at it, you’ll play a perfect game of ActRaiser.

Either that, or you can play a game (Preferably, an FPS) on hard mode - you will die so many times (and respawn), and if you can keep your resolve that long, it will surely help with mild.