ADD-riffic! attention defecite disorder

I am a serious novice at lucid dreaming. I have alright dream recall and understand the wishy-washy world that is a dream.
My biggest obsticle though would have to be getting to bed and staying focused. My mind wanders Unbelivebly fast. During the day I will forget what I got up to do and have to take a few seconds to try to retrace my steps. Apparently this is abnormal, unless your an elderly person. I try MILD but fail because I begin to pick apart the sentence that i chose to describe.
I really dont have any matieral resources besides what I might be able to buy at the “Asia Market” near my house because of a
“you want WHAT for WHAT?” father and the not having a driver’s licence.
Any response would be Extremely appreciated

Hallo kirbymaster1891,
and wellcomen to ld4all, :welcome:
First, the dream world is not wishy-washy. It can be strange, funny, scarry or unbelievable, but not wishy-washy. You might be wishy-washy in your dreams, but the dream world is not wishy-washy. :grin:
Now for the important stuff. :wink: It shounds to me like you would have problems with any of the techs. that need a lot of concentration, but don’t worry, you can still have lots of success with other methods. :cool_laugh:
I would suggest that you try RC’s. If you can remember your dreams well, then look for DS’s and then depending on the DS’s do RC’s when you see or do one of the DS’s in WL, or just whenever you think of it imagine how when you will be dreaming and see/do the DS that you do an RC. Do the RC, and think about what would happen in the dream when you do the RC. This can be done in a few seconds, and should be posable with even the shortest attention span. :tongue: If you can do that a few times a day, then it should just be a matter of time befor you get your first LD.
It also helps to read about, and think about LD’ing when you can. Just before going to bed is the best time for that.
The RC’s should be scattered throughout the day.

I know what you mean. Whenever I try to concentrate my mind thinks of a million different things and won’t shut up. :tongue: It’s not even that active during day. I agree with Don, try RCs. Good luck! :wink:

ive been trying to wild for the past few days and its becoming clear that unless i am really tiered it aint going to happen because my brain goes into over drive so much so that i started working out maths problems in my head, i hate maths !

i did try something fun though i thought i’ try incorperate some LD stuff in to a story based around me, so i start the story awaking up getting out of bed doing a RC and so on and so on. I think this is a cool thing that i’ll be trying out in the future as repeating the same types of thing does get a tad boring.

The story only went on for like 5 10 mins and then i dropped off into the land to nod but i was up for about an hour and 20 mins before than just doing the normal wild so it was less distracting i guess.

i hope that my story will turn into a dream and i’l do enough RC’s during the story that i’ll click myself in doing another while i am dreaming.

Good luck keep at it dude !

Thank you Very much for the advice i’ll take it seriously and will practice those RCs.
Its sort of an honor being helped by a moderator so thank you for taking time to help Don. And to kingoflight that is a great idea and I will try it.