Hello, I just discovered this site 4 days ago and recently signed up to these forums. Before I read about all of this stuff I was convinced that I didn’t dream much at all, however with a few steps, to my suprise my dream recall is actually quite good now. Just because i’ve started thinking about these sort of things, it has had an immediate impact. I can even recall 3-4 ‘seperate’ dreams from one night now. I’m not sure if they’re seperate, or just one long dream, but to say the least, they’re really weird haha
So I keep a diary of sorts in exel on my computer and yea, i’d like to have some lucid dreams. They sound like fun ;D So i’m just going to take it slowly and keep remembering my dreams.
Whats the next step after that?
ive tried to do that wild technique, I got to a point where I think my brain started to test my consciousness by sending pain signals to my hamstrings, and it made me lose my concentration. I think its a little too hard at the moment for me
It seems your dream recall is good enough so that you can practice LD induction methods.
You can try to practice WILD a little, just to know if you feel gifted in it. If you can enter easily the hypnagogic state, that is, the state in which you have strong HH, it is worthy to continue.
Now I would mainly give the advice of practicing DILD’s methods (autosuggestion, RC’s or MILD). Autosuggestion gives good results. You just have to repeat mentally, say 20 times, before going to sleep something like: “Tonight, I will realize I’m dreaming”. You have to be convinced of what you say.
RC’s are a good method too and they can be performed during the day, so that you can do it together with autosuggestion (RC’s during the day, autosuggestion before going to sleep). It’s generally said you have to perform at least 5 RC’s per day. You have to not do them automatically but to question reality while you’re doing them. It’s interesting to have noticed some dreamsigns in order to do them when DS’s happen IRL.
Both methods are easy to practice and give good results. If you’re really motivated, you can do WBTB too (plus autosuggestion or MILD) cause WBTB dramatically increases the chances of having LD’s.
I actually sort of tried wbtb, but I woke up at 4 am… to watch the world cup! (not read about ld) Never the less, I had some pretty vivid dreams in my sleep from 6 am to 9am
question, to perform wild do you have to be laying on your back?
No. I personally do it on my side because I normally fall asleep on my side. I saw just find a comfortable position, i.e. the one you normally sleep in. Remember, you have to sleep before you can dream!
Yeah, at first i always thought you had to be on your back to lucid dream well, but that is definitley not true. Just be comfortable, and it will come.
You’re not alone with these thoughts.
But…havn’t had any luck yet, and now I can barely go to sleep on other parts than the back.
Eventually I clinged myself to sleep comfortable on the back over time.