Advice needed

Hello, everyone. I have been trying to have a lucid dream for a couple of weeks now, but I seem to be having a bit of a problem. Just as a side note, I remember my dreams and have been keeping a dream journal. My problem deals with reality checks. I have been doing them frequently, but I can’t seem to carry them over into dreaming. When I dream, everything seems normal, even though it obviously isn’t. I never question reality in my dreams, everything just seems fine. When I wake up, however, I wonder how I could have ever thought that any of it was like reality. I am aware that it takes time and practice and that nobody can have the lucid dream for me, but do any of you have any advice or tips for me? Is there something that I can do to help me do reality checks while dreaming? Thanks.

Well since it’s your first post, and you joined today, :welcome: to LD4all!

Ok, how long have you been trying to LD? If it’s only been a few days, just be patient and eventually you will question the reality of your dreams. Another thing you can do is MILD. Just simply tell yourself you will look for strange things in your dreams or tell yourself you will realize you’re dreaming when you dream.

Welcome to lucid dreaming =D

How many do you do a day, and how are you doing them? thought process and such. RCs are my favorite technique in lucidity. I love them to death.

I used to hate them because I never thought they’d work, but if you continue to drill them, their effectiveness will increase exponentially.

Thank you both :content: ! Tcc, I have been trying to LD for I’d say about two weeks. I might just not be trying hard enough though. Thank you for the suggestion of MILD, I will try it! Thai Boxer, I do RC about ten times per day. Should I maybe do more than that? The way I do it is I look at a clock, look away, and then look back at the clock to make sure it is reading the same time. I heard about looking at hands as a RC, but I am a little bit afraid to do that one because if I do that while I am dreaming and count 6 or 7 fingers on my hand, it might freak me out a lot :smile: . Thanks again.

You really don’t want to try too hard. If you do that, it can become counter-productive. The trick is not to want it too much, because then when you don’t have a LD, you tend to get frusterated after a while, and this hurts your chances. Just keep doing RC and some techniques and let it come. It will come in time. My first (and only LD so far) happened when I wasn’t expecting it. I just told myself before bed to have a lucid dream, with no big emotion or anything, and it happened.

Good luck and welcome to ld4all! :welcome:
Keep us posted on your progress.


Actaully , i think that wanting it badly can be helpfull to the motivation , I remmember when i first started lucid dreaming , there was a time that i RC’ed nonstop , like every few min , even when i was sick and couldnt move from bad , every time lucid dreams popped into my head , i jsut did a reality check , And it worked , After a while i had like a lucid dream every day.
When doing RC’s one thing you wanna focus on , is that you are actually doing that RC because you wanna know if you are dreaming and not just because you know you need to do them , Because if you wont put much attention to it when you do it IRL , then it will be the same in the dream and you wont realize you are dreaming , good luck.

  • Me ; )

Yes, make sure you’re doing them right. Some people will just do them without thought, and that’s not really getting you anywhere.

as for amount, you’re fine. Just remember, the more true RCs you do, the better your chances.

As for the hands RC, your fingers are messed up 75% of the time. In a dream, it shouldn’t freak you out but rather give you an amazing amount of awareness and remembrance. You will remember going to bed, and know for sure that it’s a dream.

In my findings, the hand check technique and the nose plugging technique (plug your nose and try and breathe through it) are the most useful. Try all of them and see which is right for you. just make sure you really wonder, “Am I dreaming?”

Thanks, all of you for the help :colgate: . I will keep in mind everything that you guys said and keep in touch with my progress.