
Im 31 years old, and looking back ive learned the stages of life when broken down into decades. Your childhood years 1-10 is your freetime, a time to play, and not think. Your teens 10-20 are a time to learn social skills, learn, and go to school. A confusing time. Your twentys are the best so far. Youve learned your social skills, and you can use them. You go to college, and your mind is really open. You experiment with diffrent religions, and phillospy, and yes even drugs. Twentys are for partying. So far my thirtys… I feel like my mind is becoming closed (I hate that) Im not with my friends any more, and I keep telling myself its time to leave the past behind, and grow up. Time to become a workaholic, and focus on whats real. Yes I feel im slowly becoming close minded, and Im look at older people, and I see how grumpy mysrable, I know there wise, but they rarlley show it. Its just my point of view, but so far compared to my youth, my futrre looks dull.

it sucks. i have been thinking about how i am ageing lately. and examining the stages i have been through. i am just 16 though.

I dont think the future will be that bad, its all up to me. Ive been spiritual my whole life, and latley Ive looked at spirituality as sort of a youth thing, but deep down I know its not true, Im just going through a spiritual battale right now, and God is giving me a choice, and that choice comes down to… Live with an open mind or wait to die with a closed mind.

you don’t have to be a capitalistic whore, move to an agrarian society or join a hippy commune or something, it’d probably be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done in your life, but i’m sure the rewards would be immeasurable.

work sucks, i plan to avoid doing any of it for as long as possible.

i have to agree with nic i am dissapointed wit my past though.

i found that my 10-20 period was completely useless, but that’s just me

:eek: :woah:

I almost lost my hope to find anyone who is older than me besides Moogle (sorry for talking about age :shy: ) here. I had no idea that you are 2 years older than me. What makes 1-2 more years for me to party :tongue:

Nah, i like parties with good friends only. Very rarely when i go to any big party nowadays :content:

Well, I am only 20 years old. Soon to be 21 in June, and yes, it is completey true that 0-10yrs. is a time for play. 10-20yrs. are the years you SHOULD spend learning how to socialize, and learning how to utilize the intelligence you were born with. By the time you are 20, you should have gained at least a litte bit of self-understanding. However, some people don’t take that road. Anyway, judging from what I see now that I am 20, I agree with kavaa in the fact that it is my time to put my social skills to the test. And party. :grin:

I’m 22 in a few months… and i’m already going bald… ageing sucks. And i think im over the whole partying stage… i cant drink like i used to… oh to be 14 again.

:eh: Whats in the age of 14?

I prefer my childhood-earlyteen… I feel that the future holds no play and all work…

That was the peak of my drinking skills :tongue:

I’m 26 and my hair gets more gray by the day!! but I’m happy it’s still in my head! :lol:
but I am vain enough to google search any and everything I can to reverse it! Is it diet? Is it stress? Is it my shampoo? Maybe I can keep plucking them all out? and what type of vitamin supplements are out there! :bored:
hah, the stress from seeing one gray hair probably causes 4 more to sproat! :tongue:

but I’m optimistic and positive, and there is better things in this life than hair!

Old age doesn’t seem fun, but the future certainly seems interesting enough to make me want to live and see it.

Theres nothing wrong with gray hair, its a crown of wisdom. I cant wait untill I get gray hair.

There was something on BBC news website about being able to prevent (or at least greatyly slow down( aging in the future (as in, the next ten to twenty years) through gene therapy… or something. I forget.

Of course, then we’d overpopulate and everyone would starve to death… but still…

EDIT: Ah, found the artical:

I’m only 20, but this isn’t from me, consider it an old man’s knowledge from a young man’s mouth. This first part anyway. He said that young people care less for life. It’s new to us and we don’t really know what it is yet. We’re more likely to jump in front of a bullet for a stranger, because we don’t care if we die, we’re not very attached to this life anyway, we just got here. It’s not because we want to die, or that we don’t like our life, it’s just that we don’t know, or care to know if it’s going to get better than it is, nor is it big enough yet. As you grow older, you start to get used to life. You now have seeds that you’ve sown in the world(not necassarily children), and those seeds need to be nurtured until they’ve grown into what you imagined they would be, so they can stand as a reminder that you were a part of this thing called existance. That you started out as a pound of flesh but managed to make tons upon tons of change, new ideas, new people, new anything you can imagine. You’re value of life drastically increases, you now mean something, and if your going to jump in front of that bullet it better damn well mean more than looking brave for the morning paper. Personally, I look forward to growing old. People in my family don’t lose their hair, but it’s all gray by the time they’re 35, and I can’t wait. Maybe not as prime as some of the younger ones, but the point is that you’re willing to test yours against theirs, but they can’t say the same about you, you’re the Veteran. Even as you grow old and feeble, you’re advice still spawns more productivity than any younger man in the world could compete with. You’re what they have to go on, they’d all be lost if you and you’re age stayed silent. Maybe, i’m just young and naive, but I definatly look forward to age.

Whoa, live to 1,000. I doubt it, but man if it was true… That’d be amazing. You accoplish soo much in your life. Right now theres just barely time for more than birth, school, work, death.

Heres a question to all those frustrated with life sucking as it gets older:
The reason (IMO) why we think later life sucks is because early life is so great. No real work is really required or matters until about high school if even. And then, BAM!, reality hits you like a ton of bricks, sharp shift from all play no work to all work no play. So, possible solutions: a. Make later life more like early life, and thereby less harsh in contrast, or b. Make early life more like later life, thereby later life isn’t as harsh, its more the norm. Now a. would be great, but doesn’t seem very likely what with the whole having to get food thing. B seems cruel, but think about it, if your born into hard work you won’t think twice about it, it’ll be what’s normal to you. You don’t have anything better to compare it too. I made a post about this a while ago on a topic that was something like “life isn’t worth living”. So anyways it looks like we have 3 options:
a. Somehow make later life as easy as early life… Probly involving AI robots or a government that took care of everything or something… heh
b. Make early life tougher. Send them toddlers to the mines.
c. Do nothing a be miserable (our present situation).
So my question is what do you think we should do as a society to try to fix this entirely uphill lifestyle?