Alarm vibrating system

I recently bought a little keychain vibrating alarm thing. You can set it to do a 24 hour countdown. Anyways i set it to go off everyhour. When it goes off i do a reality check. I feel that if i set it to go off while i am sleeping, the vibrating will not wake me up. But i will still do my RC (in my dream hopefull). IF all goes well i will be LDing in no time. I will keep you updated

I do the same thing with my cell phone. It vibrates every half hour or so and I do a reality check. Unfortunately, it doesnt stop vibrating until I open it and disable it manually. So I cant use it while I am sleeping.

The only problem i encountered was that when i was sleeping i wasnt holding on to it. When it would go off i wouldnt realize. So i put it in sock. And now i don’t have to worry about holding on to it. Thank god for socks

Isn’t there a point where you just want to get a quality night sleep :tongue: , i mean honestly waking up EVERY hour, is that necessary?
