Alternative WBTB

A while back, on a Saturday, I slept in, of course. At around 6:00, my phone rang. So I woke up from an altogether uneventful night and so I was like. Oh great, now I won’t be able to sleep any more. Suprisingly, I slept. Not only did I sleep, I had the most lucid of all dreams.

I tried this with my alarm clock several days later. Again, I had a lucid dream.

Looking around on the forum, it looks like other people have seen this happen before.

What do you mean by alternate? Isn’t this basically the definition of WBTB?

Well, I think I see the distinction the OP is making … WBTB implies getting out of bed, doing something, and going back to bed again … personally I naturally wake up after a few hours sleep anyway, sometimes get up or sometimes just lie there and eventually go back to sleep … I was thinking I might use this as a basis for WBTB, except without necessarily getting out of bed (Wake Back to Sleep, maybe?).

I think maybe alot of people naturally do this anyway?

I do this myself all the time…well, not all the time, but nowadays, most of my lucid dreams happen this way, simply because when getting out of bed for WBTB, I can never get back to sleep.

Hi joecool94,

As Amused Himself did, I didn’t really understand why you called this “alternative WBTB”. It looks like the very definition of WBTB. And to reply to foo fighter’s question, I often do WBTB naturally… for instance when I wake up and go to the toilets. :gni: :toilet:

It’s true.
I have good expericences with this form of WBTB. Especially when snoozing on my alarm clock. You really don’t need to get out of bed for an hour to get an LD.

Yes! This technique is like a gold mine for me. I think if it weren’t for WBTB I probably woulda gave up on LD ing a long time ago. But I didn’t have to, WBTB is like our secret weapon in the dream world!

Interesting! Maybe I should try WBTB while on holiday. :happy:

I rarely get out of bed after 6 hours of sleep, I find it easier to get right back in the dream world in a few minutes. If I do get out of bed I usually stay up for about 10 minutes doing autosuggestion so when I do go into bed the phrase is stuck in my head instead of just lucid dreaming in general. I reccomend trying autosuggestion during WBTB for 10mins straight, the phrase will really stick in.