Can sometime tell me why it seems everytime i have an LD (which is about 2 times per night) i always end up having them take place in my house. it seems i cannot change the location in my dream… anyone eles have the same problem or a solution?
did you tried to enter a room and said “when ill get out ill be somewere else [choose one]”…
Use to happen to me too. In fact - still does.
A good remedy I find is to run outside and simply go into one of your neighbours houses (preferably one you’ve never been in before). You can then either explore the house, or go out it’s back door.
Other ways to change you enviroment:
close a door and tell yourself that when you open it, you’ll be in X
spin and tell yourself you’ll be in X
close your eyes and tell yourself that when yuo open them you’ll be in X
step through a mirror
step through the TV
run/fly off somewhere
There is an infinite ways to change your dreamscape - if you’re getting bored with your house (as I did) then try a couple and see which works.
Almost all my lucid dreams have started out in my house, usually in my bed. I get out of bed and my dream neighborhood is always the same. (very interesting however).
there is another way to move to other place dorring LD’s: enter to your bad (because you are in your house) and cover yourself with a blankete and tell yourself that when you will take off the blankete you will be outside your house… or somewere else…
ha ha: or just get out from your house in the front door!
noam182r - I’m gonna try that in my next LD (if I remember too). Mainly cos it sounds funny .
ah… trust me its will work…