I often dream of carrying out reality tests. For example, I dream of trying to put my finger through walls, or asking myself, “Am I dreaming”.
Yet, I have not yet made the crossover. Am I close to having a real lucid dream?
I often dream of carrying out reality tests. For example, I dream of trying to put my finger through walls, or asking myself, “Am I dreaming”.
Yet, I have not yet made the crossover. Am I close to having a real lucid dream?
Yes, you are close.
How do you answer your reality checks? I ask because soemtimes if you go about them the wrong way in real life you can come to the wrong conclusion in dreams.
That’s insane - doing levels of RC’ing like that and not noticing.
Just be more vivid in your RC when awake… and when you put your finger into a wall go ‘holy shit I’m dreaming’
Most people ask ‘am I dreaming’ without expecting an answer. pFFt.
Make sure you really think about wether your dreaming or not, so your absolutly sure you arent or you are, and when your done, ask yourself what it would be like if you were dreaming(if your awake that is)