am i on the right track?

hi first timer here~

started off with my friend telling me how cool LD is even though none of us has tried it.

so i’m here, 1st night i practiced to remember my dreams, i did it :happy:

2nd night i think i tried a WILD, i’m lying in bed eyes closed trying to concentrate on thinking “i’m in a dream” etc, drifted off a few times. and all i did was trying to concentrate to remember my dream and trying to imagine myself in a previous dream

an hour later nothing happened :sad:

went to bed i had 2 dreams, no LD

i’m not a very fast sleeper and i dont normally sleep on my back, gets abit uncomfortable after a while

am i doing everything right?


Hardly anyone pulls off WILD when first going to bed- Go with MILD and AS or simply WBTB and WILD.

yo hey dagger999 , you are on the right track , just keep it up (and maybe consider using another tech first)

:wave: hello dagger999, welcome to the forum

in that case you would probably be best using MILD and RCs … also doing WBTB (waking up in the night and then doing an induction tech) really increases your chances of becoming lucid.

But the first step is improving your dream recall which you have already started to do

thx for the replies :smile: i shall try out MILD, and if i happen to wake up early in the morning (which i have for the past 2 nights strangely enough) i shall try WILD again

does all this also depends on people’s body as well? how some people can do it easily and some people can’t?

and also does it take practice to achieve stuff like flying (i really wanna fly! :tongue: )
