In a lot of dreams I tend to realize that it is a dream, but I don’t do anything about it. I don’t realize it’s a dream and then just go on doing whatever I was. The only times I ever realize it’s a dream is when I’m scared. I want it end, “there must be some way out of this”, I think, then I somehow realize it’s a dream. The reason I don’t fly or anything like that is because I’m scared. I’m just so glad that it’s a dream and I’m bent on waking up. This happens probably once a week or so.
Am I sort of close to lucid dreaming with just this? Do I only need little changes in what I do?
It sounds like you’re close.
How are you doing reality checks?
If you practice saying to yourself “this is a dream” maybe thats all you’ll do in your dream, and it won’t be enough proof.
I’m pretty new to this, but when I do them, I try to imagine that if it were a dream I could do something incredible, like shoot fire from my fingers or fly.
When I do an RC, I kind of imagine whatever real-life situation gets put on hold for a second. My real-life perspective is just one of many possibilities. It’s possible that I’m dreaming and that everything will change. Know what I’m sayin?
You say you tend to realize it’s a dream. A couple of dreamchecks during the day should be enough I guess. I lost interest in LD somewhat but started again recently. I noticed I dreamed a lot of fruits last days. And during the day, everytime I saw fruits, I thought this could be a dream, I should read something. I did that like more then 50 times a day, past few days
Yesterday, I had this dream and I tended to realize it, the dream wasn’t triggered by fruit, but as soon I thought, “this is like in a dream”, I did spontanously a test by reading something twice.
I was so excited I did this out of the blue, without thinking, that I woke up. That was my first RC ever.
This morning I was lucid again, spontanously this time (as mostly), without RC. I guess these checks during the day really can help LDing! They definately help me! You should give it a try, I think from were you are now you can have LDs in just a few days.