An odd way to induce lucid dreams?

I read…somewhere (EWLD maybe) that sex before bed can increase your chances of having a lucid dream.

I’m really sorry if I offend anyone with this. If it is offending to a bunch of people, just delete it or something, but:

Could masturbation do the same? I mean…it sort of…is the same.

LOL :eh:

Sex and whacking are very different things. Sex is a full body thing with probably different chemicals released. On the intercourse side it does increase the vividness of my dreams. On the monocourse(heh) side of things… I would imagine it has effects thought would be mre beneficial for pre-bed meditation to a VILD. You know… the excercise before meditation that is used in the kushu ondali (spelling… lol) meditation.

Good luck with that though… hah :grin:

Hahaha. Can’t hurt to try. I’ll post results tomorrow. :cool_laugh: :cool_laugh: :happy: :tongue:

LOL trust me it doesnt help.

You shouldn’t be so scared about bringing controversial topics to the forum as long as you present it in a manner that doesn’t offend people. There’s like a hundred threads in the forum that discuss having sex in dreams (including homosexuality, bestiality, and incest…) so I doubt you can offend the forum as long as you don’t put up any insulting statements.

[size=75]("I do not approve of homosexuality because… " instead of “Homos are the sux0rs”) Note: Actual author is neutral. NEUTRAL.
Oh yeah, back to the subject. I’ve never ever had success with using masturbation to induce lucid dreaming. But I would think the effects of masturbation would be the same as sex. I’m not saying that masturbation doesn’t work, I’m saying it doesn’t work for ME mind you, and a lot of things don’t work for me. Does anyone know if it’s sex during WBTB or sex before sleeping? Because I’ve never done WBTB (not that I haven’t tried, I can’t sleep.) I don’t recommend using sex or masturbation to induce LDs because I don’t have success with them (only legal for me to do the latter though)

How does your body tell the difference between sex and masturbation? Well if you want to try it your way you could always touch yourself in places other than your privates and go for it [size=75](now that I am a bit scared of offending someone with)[/size]

Thanks for the info, infection0. :smile:

(Note: To me, the above statement sounded sarcastic, but it wasn’t.)

Well, the reason I posted this was because the last nights (actually mornings) that I had the lucid dreams, I remembered that I had masturbated shortly before going to bed. Coincidence? Maybe. But, it would just be nice to know.

I heard/read it was the exact opposite. Something like having sexual tension/energy built up can HELP you have an LD, so releasing that (so to speak) wouldn’t work. (Maybe I’m confusing this with supposed AP techniques, but I thought I’d throw it out there.) All you can really do is experiment. :tongue:

I don’t know if I NEED to explain the difference between the two… but…

I don’t see how your body doesn’t know the difference between sex and masturbation. You body is the one involved in it. Your body is being sstimulated everywhere. Your heart rate is increased. It probably lasts longer.

Aside fomr the obvious differences, the climax is very different also.

Thats why I would believe there are different chemicals introduced into your system, because the feeling is different, and the feeling is the chemicals.

I am not positive but it seems whenever I release either by sex or masturbation I have never had LDs in the day or so following. I definetly think your testosterone plays a part in LDs… but hey, anything is worth a shot (no pun intended)

i tell you what tho, one night gave it a go, all was good, slept and had every Rem dream about sex 3 of them were lucid. lol maybe i just had somthing on my mind.

anyway, i dont think that it decrees your chances. Try it every night for a week or every second night and tell us how your recall is and how your lucids are compared to a week where you do not. And hey, you can call it research not only a good time :happy:

Prehaps it is sexual cycles, that don’t effect men much, buy do effect women.

But masturbation and sex are both concpts of humans. Also, isn’t it how your body precieves the climax. For example, can masturbate differently, and get a different climax everytime. The same chemicals are likley to be involved, but they’re more intense.

If there were other chemicals involved what would it be? How would they effect lucid dreaming, yet another concept, as it is being conscious in your dream. So any sexual intercourse or masturbation would have to effect dreaming all together, if chemicals were involved.

Is it? So if you were to think how you felt now, at this very moment, do you really think your emotions are just chemicals. Because your emotions seem very real to you, they feel real. So I can’t see how chemicals and the current physic laws could produce emotions.

I wouldn’t recommend that. besides draining who knows how much chi, you should consider possible biological effects, and the influence it may have many years down the road.

Hmm, don´t know about chi, but I never heared about biological problems. I suppouse it could be even healthy, since it´s some sort of physical education that activates just about any muscle and releases stress-reducing hormones

By that, I asum youmean of masturbating/sex.

I didn’t relize there were ill effects of masturbation. From what I’ve heard, it stops cancers etc. What ill effect would you be suggesting, Pilot?

I don’t think it really helps, there have been numerous occasions where I’ve tried it. :tongue:

From what I’ve heard you cannot masturbate “too much” as it were, and it’s actually a healthy thing to do… never heard of it helping cancer… but Im sure it has health benefits… lowers blood pressure or something… As for where LDs come in… I haven’t got a clue… I’d would agree that experimenting is as good a course as any, but like most things, I don’t think you’d be able to rely on other people’s answers anyway - I’d have thought it’s probably an individual thing as to wether it helps…

omg it helps with cancer??

Everything else kills us like. The sun and Breathing but if wanking helps lol well then. I know 5 times a week keeps the chances of etting prostate cancer low, Remember that fellas. But soz girls i havent heard any benifets for you, bar a good tiem and hey waht more do u need to know

i still say test it out, what have you got to loose ?

sexual activity (singleplayer and multiplayer :content: ) decreases the chanche of a LD dramatiaclly, it also messes up my dream recall!

i read somewhere, that producing semen is one of the most energy consuming tasks your body is able to to.

also in the spritual view!
thats why in the christian religion, for example, masturbation was a no no…
its the same in the asian region, but i can’t remember details!

bah lies all lies lol . i had 2 powerful LD last night all bout sex and i had a bit of single palyer happening. that is what happens if i wnk i dream bout sex. lol

But not actually ejaculating?