Wow, this site has really opened my eyes!
I stumbled across it by accident a few days ago, when I
stumbled onto the article in Wikipedia. It really got
me interested mainly because of the ‘really accurate’
descriptions of what I have been experiencing.
Especially the WILD bit. I have been having these buzzing
and ringing sensations frequently, but was always too scared
to see what would happen if I just let it continue.
First off, my dreams are always really really strange, in fact
some of them look too ‘real’, and lately always things to
do with my past schoolmates/enemys. It must be
because I like horrormovies/anime/funny/weird stuff.
Yet lately they just seem to do my head in and I get really
tired during the day and have headaches because if it.
note: I now know I have always had the ability
to remember ALL of my dreams.
After reading up on LD at Wiki and in here, I started slowly to
realise I have been able to easely LD all this time!.
I tried doing MILD yesterday and the day before, and guess
what it worked straight away! In my first attempt!! I was like whoaaaaaa!!!
You gotta be kidding me! In my first dream I had created
a room (like you do in quake or something) and it only
had a few walls and objects. I picked up this glass and I
did an RC on some garbled words, and it worked! I Knew it was a dream!! I immediatly
thought of stuff to do, like shooting fireballs through a wall,
which actually didn’t work. Maybe I was too overenthusiastic.
What did happen though, was flight . I took off, phased through the wall to something that looked like my hometown at night, and I was able to fly to the rooftops. I couldn’t steer or
anything but WOW lol… that was so great! Reminded me
of a dream I had when I was a child and also flew.
Yesterday I tried it again, yet it was a bit more dissapointing,
however I was aware that the entire thing was a dream.
I can remember a part where I tried flying again to chase
after a Mini, thistime I did it with a rocketpack lol.
Seriously. I never even knew I could do this.
This is great! I’m gonna try some more!
The tips on this site are fantastic! Thanks
Welcome Iwazaru! Damn congratz on your amazing capabilities!! Definately keep using them and post all about them on these forums!
How old are you? I’m just curious…
I only just got up after about half-n-hour of trying a WILD, which I can’t seem to get right… anyway I seemed to have had done MILD’s myself the last couple of nights, where I wasn’t trying to… I hope while I try to get WILD working for me that I can at least have some LD’s with MILD.
Sigh** the first LD I had was extremely “blank/pitch black nothingness” though I was aware I was dreaming. And the second time… it looked clear, but not as clear as IRL still, and I asked a person (for some reason I don’t know) how to become LUCID and … the silly response I had gotten was to turn my eyes to the left… and well I did that and I was lost from my LD because of it… darn it! haha
hmm perhaps you got advice for myself… and others here of course.
(I’m 28 btw )
Sorry hehehe, I kinda just discovered the whole
concept of LD 's only 2 days ago. I am not experienced whatsoever,
when I see other ppls stories on here I can’t help but think
what amazing things you can really do.
The thing with me is, I can remember every
single dream I have had, usually a few hours after
I wake up. I have always had this since I was young.
Sometimes it just freaks me out. Lately I have not been
sleeping well enough, always waking up before its
time to go to work, and wanting to sleep again but
then I can’t. It makes me feel very tired during the day.
Also, my dreams have just been the weirdest ever, and they
just put so much pressure on you.
Just these last two days, after this LD experience,
I woke up very differently, feeling I had achieved something.
And what haha… I mean, it worked straight away
after reading the tips on this forum. And it reminded me
of other dreams I have had in the past where the same
things happened. I sure have a lot of questions myself,
but I am going to try it a few more times.
I mean to give you an indication, I always dream
about taking a flight on jumbo jets, whos pilots really
cannot fly, or stunt too much with it. Also, I have had
3 or 4 dreams in the last 2 weeks where I am with
my old schoolmates whom I havent seen for like 7 yrs or
something. They are all nice to me, except one of
them who isn’t actually a schoolmate but someone else
whom I must have met thru out the years. (always Someone
different)… And that entity is always trying to be
an arse in my dreams)
Well, usually I remember everything from back to finish
every night. Its probably what does my head in, if it
was a bad dream heheh .
Yeah, when I read about that RC where you read stuff and it
changes, thats when it really started to make sence
So you remember a whole night of dreaming EVERY night? If you could make the whole connected dream (is it connected? ) of yours lucid, you could tease the Tibetan monks practicing their whole lives
hehe… well, pretty much.
Usually from back to finish, this might explain
why I could LD only after 1 try lol. I dunno… heheh…
sometimes only parts. Yet to make sence
of the whole thing is another matter heheh…
They are weird, as I said.
They don’t last 100 years o god no! lol . That would be
terrible. Last night I didn’t have an LD yet I can remember
my full dream, which seemed to last definatly about 2 hours.
I could not sleep a good 2 hours too yesterday before I had
that dream. In the end I just got exhausted and fell asleep
and I completely forgot to RC. The dream felt like it was
all too real. The only giveaway was a hawk with a parakeet head. I was walking around my hometown when I heard
a noise, there was this '*parakeethawk (*ill call him lol, new species)
which was injured (ran over or something) and me and my family tried desperatly to
save it by giving it food and water, in the end we called in a vet and they took him.
Then a fight broke out between my mom/dad and the neighbours because they were partying too loud. The arguments
lasted forever heheheh. In reality (like 14 yrs ago) that would
have been a common thing haha, so I never doubted it was a
dream, even though I don’t live there anymore lol.
I dunno, it just happens hehe, sorry to rub it in lol.
I usually am able to remember a small part in the morning,
then the rest comes back to me like 4 hours later.
Well … what I was implying was that I have 10 years to ‘catch up to you’ hehe … and I don’t know if age effects DR … but I think it’s safe to say that they would less likely be effected for the ages of 20+ due to the fact before that your brain would no longer be developing so much.
Woohooo! 3rd Achievement within 4 days! (nights, sorry lol)
Even though it was at the ‘very end’ of my
dream last night. I did not think to RC most of the
time but in between waking up and falling asleep the
third time round I managed to recognize the dream
from a billboard on top of a large building! It had
a logo on the right hand side of it, and when I moved away
and looked again it was on the left hand side, and different.
My LD started but was short lived for the alarm went and
I woke up. I did manage to float in the air a bit haha.
Okay might as well post some questions in here instead of creating too many Iwazaru threads lol.
So its been a week now since I read up on LD 's and I have
had 5 within this week which I am very happy about.
Yesterday night was my first big experiment (as stated in my DJ ) and now I would like to ask a few questions, to see if you guys have had similar experience.
1: Is it true that when you LD , things seem to go slower and/or the surroundings become more darker? Not like night but more like a freezeframe, so you could put things there, like different sky’s, a big ape, millions of goldfish, etc?
2: My last LD involved me seeing other enviroments. Like I went from street to street but they are not really connected IRL. It was like they were distant images way back to where the dark freezeframes are. I can walk to them and step inside them. Is this a common effect?
3: Closing my eyes untill having a floating sensation gets me flying. Is this the easiest way to do it? Cause just thinking about it doesn’t work at all.