Any suggestions?

These past couple of nights I’ve been remembering 3 or 4 different dreams. Well last night before I went to sleep I kept telling myself the following: “You’re fixing to go to sleep and begin a dream. In that dream you will do a reality check and when it fails, realize you are in a dream. At this time you will become lucid. Upon awaking from the dream you will have no problem recalling it.” I told myself that over and over. I’ve also been practising my reality checks in real life. Ok so this is what happened. In my first dream I was in some tribal camp fighting with a spear. I then started shooting these large blasts out of my hands. At this moment I was like “Hey wait a minute, this isn’t possible. I’m in a dream.” Then I opened my eyes and was back in my room awake. I went back to sleep and in the other dream I was in a grocery store with a shopping cart. Now I have a WHOLE lot of these dreams and I don’t know why. I’m usually having some race or something with the shopping carts. My next dream involved a dog that talked to me. Now why didn’t I do a reality check or just realize that dogs don’t talk? I only realized that I was dreaming in the first dream but I still forgot the reality check. Anyone have any suggestions?

Why would your subconscious be on the lookout for anything unusual? You have been dreaming for as long as you have been alive, so there certainly wasn’t any reason for you to suddenly point at the talking dog and question your consciousness.

Just because you recently learned about Lucid Dreaming, dosn’t mean that your subconscious is now completely reprogrammed to detect unusual events and wake you conscious mind. It may take a long time to get it to that point, just don’t give up.

It looks like you have some pretty good dream recall already, so you’re well on the way to lucidity. Good luck :smile:

Yeah, you’re right. My brain isn’t gonna be automatically re-programmed like that. Thanks for the advice Atheist. :content: