Hi, I discovered lucid dreaming for about half-a-year ago. I tried it for about 2 months, got about 3 LDs, and then i just lost the motivation.
Does anyone have some good tips on getting the motivation?
Ive began to note my dreams again (or the fragments, cant remember anything these days), but I`m a pessimistic guy, and I fear that I will loose motivation as soon I try to LD.[/i]
Motivation is one of the key secret ingredients to getting LDs. You need to start seeing the glass of water as half full!
Really try to encourage yourself. Say to yourself that you can get a lucid dream, and that you will get one. This is autosuggestion, and if it is repeated, it will happen. I had very little motivation when I first learned about lucid dreaming, but now I’m really rearing to go!
LDs are great experiences; try not to loose motivation, for they are well worth the effort.
Motivation is one thing that noone can give you. You have to find that for yourself. But without strong motivation, not only to have lucid dreams but also to practice the techniques, it will be very difficult to get lucid dreams.
I will tell you one thing, lucid dreaming is defiantly worth the little effort you have to put forth.
I’ll give up my right arm before giving up my lucid dreams. That is how intense the experience is.
When I need motivation to run, I attach a stick to my head, and dangle a sausage on a string. That usually gets me going. Maybe you could do something like that?
Motivation is something that must be constant to be a good lucid dreamer. For me, I would go a few days really hard into LDIng, and a few weeks off. This is not what makes a successful lucid dreamer. I have now begun a schedule and routine which works really well. What you have to do is not overwork yourself, but do what is neccesary to be succsessful every night. Practice ahatever technique you do but also be sure to keep a dream journel every night. Just continue to work at an easy level and not overwork yourself, try to enjoy your dreams and I bet this will make you more successful at LDing.
Also, remember this: Even if you lose motivaion, you still have your willpower. You can still have a LD without being motivated, all you need is a strong will. Once you have your next LD, your motivation will go up.