Anybody have any experience with Damiana?

I’m curious as to what the effects of Damiana are pertaining to LD’s. From what I understand, they contain an ability to induce vividly erotic dreams. The local nutrition shop sells them in a capsule form for not too much.

If you’ve had any experience with this herb, please share in this topic. How should it be prepared? What is an effective amount to intake? Any side-effects?

Sory for all the questions, it’s just that I couldn’t find much information about this herb with regard to dreams.

I bought some dried damiana, which i have been making a tea out of, which is pleasant tasting. When used in combination with scullcap it makes me really really relaxed, but I have not noticed any aphrodisiac effect (but still being vaguely adolescent perhaps it is difficult to notice). Again I haven’t noticed any effect on the erotic quality of dreams, but it does give me slightly better recall and dream presence. Perhaps I would be able to notice the effects better or increase them if i took a higher dosage (I maybe drink 1 or 2 cups when I take it) or a more direct method of intake: capsule or possibly even smoking (maybe mixed with mugwort, i’ve heard it’s a good base). It might have more noticable effects if you took it consistently over a period. As with a lot of these herbs there is a possibility of liver damage if you take too much internally.

It’s obviously not a miracle solution to LD induction, nor guaranteed to give you erotic dreams, but it’s possibly a more wholesome method of inducing that type of dream. If it’s that type of experience you’re after maybe look into ginseng which sometimes comes in capsules with ginkgo balboa, which is good for concentration and therefore LDing, while the ginseng can stimulate your imagination and various other parts of the anatomy.

Damaina’s probably worth a try, as even the mild effects i’ve experienced have been worthwhile. Good luck.

If its inexpensive give it a try, you’ve got nothing to loose. The tea is quite relaxing, though not the best tasting (I’d rather stick with my peppermint). I noticed no benefits from smoking it (other than it improved my ability to roll a reefer), smoking anything is bad for you anyway, so I would not advise it. As for its effect of my dreams, they were somewhat more vivid, and I had better recall, but the level of erotcism was much the same as before.

whoa ghost you came back!

I thought you did with the nitrous or whatever lol!

hey did that ever work?

In reply to retro:
Yeah, it didn’t work of course, and I didn’t really expect it to.
After I made that post I started work again and a whole load of stuff kept me from making regular visits to these forums. Funny that some people thought I was dead, although its nice to know people look out for such things. Hopefully now I’ll be able to make more time for myself at my computer, though I’ve never stopped the dreaming!

Followup from my last post:
In retrospect, damiania isn’t really worth it compared to St.John’s Wort. Now, that is an herb that works wonders for your sleep. For a month straight, my ritual consisted of St. John’s wort, some vitamin B, and magnesium. Gave me great sleep and vivid dreams.

alright cool well its nice to see you breathing :smile: