Anyone been to my Castle in the dreamscape :P ?

So last night I was standing on a balcony in the castle overlooking my dreamscape. It’s a small balcony, I’m not sure I even put it there on purpose becasue it’s right outside a corridor leading to the east wing.

Yes, It does all change somewhat but major points stick which is why I wonder why this balcony does.


I was studying this book or rather trying to make it work in some practical purpose for the dreamscape. Then I hear this voice.

“Who are you?”

And this girl, brunette, short, normal looking. Is standing there under the arch.

“Just move along” I say and turn back to the tome.

“Eh, excuse me, you can’t talk to me like that.” I hear from behind my back.

So this girl caught my attention and I turned to face her. She had this delightful look on her face. I’m thinking she was a pompous ‘I’m better than you’ kind of girl.

“So where …THE FUCK… am I?” She asked getting annoyed or worried, I couldn’t tell.

“You’re in my castle” I said placidly.

“You better get me the fuck home, you ain’t getting away with this you pervert”

She went on rambling like this for a while and I distinctly remember the smile on my face. Finally I said “You’re dreaming.” and she stopped.
She looked around terrified and vanished.

I still don’t believe in shared dreaming, I just thought this was interesting. Anyone know this girl :happy:?

Anyone found themselves in town with stone paved streets, where the houses are in brightly colored woods and the roofs constantly covered in snow?

Let me know.

Never seen it before (most my LD’s take place in my home) but I’ll try to go there sometime in an LD :grin:. Who knows, I may even visit it and meet you. Unlikely… but still :happy:.

I would love to visit your dreamscape someday :content: And she does sound a bit different than the normal DCs in a dream.