I’m new to the forum, but not so much to lucid dreaming. I have had a few where I realize I am dreaming during the dream, and keep it going for a fairly decent amount of time. What I seem to experience more of though, is waking up during the middle of the night and still dreaming. I’ve found that this happens mostly when I am sick (with a fever) and when I am busy with an activity that takes up a signigicant part of my life (e.g. sports, marching band). It is when I am sick that these are very intense and frightening experiences, A few years back, I woke up and spent the next two hours in the bathroom trying to convince myself that the men I saw running towards me with swords were not actually there, and were not going to kill me. I knew I was awake, and I could see everything around me in the bathroom, but I also saw these men, and it was terrifying. More recently, during a bout with the flu, I woke up to find my normal bedroom on the right side of me, and a thick, dark jungle on the left side of me. I looked at the clock and sat there staring at it for 20 minutes, the jungle would not go away. I finally laid back down facing the right side and fell back asleep. Does anyone else experience this? I’ve been getting better at convincing myself that the hallucinations are not real, but it still is rather annoying at times. This sort of sounds like hypnopompic hallucinations, except that they last for more than a brief moment and I can move while experiencing them (not sleep paralysis). Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
That is indeed very interesting. I have never ever experienced anything like that. Are you sure you did not drink too much cough sirup? “joke”
But anyways… I know that high give some really intense dreams and extremely high fever can also make you kinda delirious during waking state as well. I have never heard of anything like this with a normal fever though.
Oh yeah, I’ve had this before, I’ve seen someone or something like an animal in my room, and I’ll quickly get up and get out and close the door, and go into the bathroom or in the room next to mine with the light on, until I can convince myself it was just a figment of my imagination or a dream.
Something like that happened to me, but it wasn’t really scary. I woke up feeling horribly sick and saw some sort of river with a tribe that was trying to cross it. I watched them for about 10 minutes, then I went to the bathroom and went to sleep.
It’s one of two possibilities, one is that you experience some sort of delerious state when you get sick (how sick where you whne this occured?), or that you are having a false awakening. A FA is when you “wake up” from a dream into another dream, you don’t actually wake up but you think that you do.
A little more information would be helpful.
Could this be the same phenomenon as night terrors? Only you may not scream and believe it to be real, and even remember it wich I hear isn’t that common in night terrors… They usually occur about an hour after going to sleep.
Other than that fever hallucinations is possible.
Thanks for everyones comments and suggestions. I brought up the “sick” ones because those are the most variable and frightening. From what I can remember, I was pretty sick during those. The flu for one, and a fever of around 102ish, and during the first I had pneumonia. But the thing is, I also get them when I am very busy with something that is going on in waking life. In my high school days, I was a member of the marching band. 3 hour practices twice a week, 5 hour football games, and a 12 hour saturday here and there. I would wake up in the middle of the night and I could swear I was at practice, and then I would think that I shouldn’t be laying down at practice, so I would sit up and actually watch what was going on around me. Once again, I could see my room, and I knew where I physically was, but it took a little convincing that I was not at band and could actually go back to sleep. So fever and stress maybe? Anyway, it always happens in the middle of the night, around your 1-4 am hours. I usually head off to bed around 10:30, 11:00. Thanks for all your help, and it’s also good to know that some other people experience this as well. Thanks!
Nope never happend to me.thankfully…
Sounds alot like a false awakening to me, a dream where you think you have awaken, but are actually still alseep and in a dream.