anyone here like opera ?

hey i was wondering if anyone here liked to listen to opera of if anyone has seen an opera i have 3 dvds of 3 different operas
La Traviata, Die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute), Turandot

i love all these operas but Turandot is my fav. so far

i want to see madame butterfly and Lakme i heard some arias from these operas, i love the lakme arias espesically the flower duet i believe that is what its called not too sure

let me know any suggestions for any operas that you have seen or heard arias from

                                             Ben (lucid_guy)

Oh yes, I LOVE opera. I’m not familiar with names of arias and the operas they come from, though.

Have you heard of Nightwish? They’re former lead singer has a beautiful operatic style.

Oh yes, I know Nightwish! ;D Wonderful style, very melodic, Like Edenbridge and Kamelot.

I like Opera too, But im not too familiar with these new ones lol except Phantom ;D.

But i just recently did Verdi’s Hebrew Slaves and Aida Triumphal March, Which was nice ;D We did it in English though ;< Kinda took off the emotion and expression you get with the original italian.

I hear ya, operas that have been translated just don’t hold the same power. Our language is crap :razz:

So, you sing, I assume?

Yup, Singer here. Baritone ;x But only recently got back into it now after my voice has settled after breaking.

And it was the first sorta Opera type stuff ive done, Before mostly choral type settings.

Was a nice change though, But of course for true opera the technique is much harder than normal singing. Especially if your a Tenor lol.

lol, I am a tenor, so I know what you mean. Of course, my singing is horrible in all styles :razz: I can do growly-n-shouty singing, but anything else and I’m completely off-key lol

thats awesome you guys sing what arias have you sung Misoshiri besides the ones you have mentioned or which ones would you like to do anything else by Verdi? perhaps ‘Libiamo ne’ lieti calili from La Traviata or ‘Nessum Dorma’ from Turandot. I haven’t seen Aida yet i gotta check that one out. i would love ot see an opera IRL i’ve jsut seem them on dvds but they dont have any opera houses where i live, plus i hear they are pretty expensive. I need to save up some bucks :smile:

Well, to be honest im not that knowledgeable about that Operas, or really into them myself until we sung these ones. It was kind of a new thing for our choir, As we sing choral stuff normally. I dont know what Opera i might like to sing next or even if we will do another opera type setting any time soon ;D But as for other types, I would love to sing Fauré’s Requiem if any of you know it.

Fauré’s Requiem, i dont think i’ve heard of that one who composed it ?

Gabriel Fauré :razz: xD