Are DILD's more common than WILD's?

More DILD’s or more WILD’s’?

  • I’ve more than 20 LD’s. More than 75% are DILD’s.
  • I’ve more than 20 LD’s. About 50% DILD’s 50% WILD’s.
  • I’ve more than 20 LD’s. Less than 25% are DILD’s.
  • I’ve less than 20 LD’s. More than 75% are DILD’s.
  • I’ve less than 20 LD’s. About 50% DILD’s 50% WILD’s.
  • I’ve less than 20 LD’s. Less than 25% are DILD’s.

0 voters

I would like to verify if DILD’s are more common than WILD’s. This could also give an indication whether experienced LD’ers have more WILD’s.

If you don’t know what is WILD and DILD, before clicking a button haphazardly :grin: , please read the following:

WILD is when you enter a lucid dream from the waking state. You go to bed (or wake up and go back to bed) and you fall asleep consciously.
DILD is when you enter a lucid dream from a normal dream. You are already in a dream and you realize you’re dreaming.

You don’t need to be very precise on the percentage. It’s :

  • a lot more DILD’s than WILD’s
  • about equal
  • a lot less DILD’s than WILD’s.
    Now when replying you can also precise how much DILD’s and WILD you have and your favorite induction method.

I’ve mainly DILD’s (about 105). My favourite induction method is autosuggestion. By the way, I quite can’t WILD and I’ve just 2 WILD’s. :sad:

Hmm… I thought for sure I had more WILD’s… Oh well, no complaints. LD’s are LD’s!

I counted RC’s as DILD’s, by the way…

I’ve had waaay less WILDs than DILDs.

I’m currently working to master WILD, because I feel have gotten pretty good with DILD.

I think that for most people DILD requires less effort then WILD.

My guess is that the average would be 90% DILDs (because it includes so many different techniques) and 10% WILDs.

I’m pretty new to LD’ing but I got into it because of a DILD I had when I was younger. After reading some forums post here I noticed everyone saying WILD is the most effecient so I immediately started towards that goal.

That puts me at 4 LD’s, 3 WILD…1 DILD. The DILD was by far the longest and most interesting, if that means anything.

I’ve more DILD’s than WILD’s as well. I rarely have a WILD. Although I try. I love it when I have a WILD :smile: Hasn’t happened for quite some time though.

I used to have a lot of WILD’s, when I started LD-ing. I wonder if that would ever come back. I practiced yoga back then, and I wonder if that influenced it. Only one way to find out - to practice yoga again - but i keep procrastinating that.

More than 75% are DILDs. :smile:

Although I had a lot with the “dream re-entry” technique, and some from a SP state, does those count as WILDs ?

They count as WILD’s, since you enter a dream from the waking state.

It should be interesting to know if people who have more WILD are subject to SP indeed.

Me only have DILDs. Me suck at WILD…

Seriously! I have never had a WILD. Maybe it is because I’ve only tried it 5-6 times… :tongue:

I hate getting up early, even though I don’t find it hard at all. I usually only get up early if I HAVE to get up, but I’m going to try it tonight, I WILLD succeed!

There’s no way in hell I’m going to be able to do it going to bed, so I’ll have to get up early! Damn…

Though at first sight, it seems that DILD’s are more common than WILD, I made a khi2 test in order to verify this (perhaps we didn’t have enough participants, so “visual” statistics won’t work).

First test: Are DILD’s more common than WILD?

At the time I write this, we have 28 participants and the answers are : 13,1,0,11,1,2.

I took the hypothesis that DILD’s and WILD’s follow an equal distribution thus chance only would give 25% in the “less than 25%” and “more than 25%” cases and 50% in the “50%-50%” case, that is, 7,14 and 7 expected answers. Another possible distribution is a gaussian one, yet we would have even more expected answers in the “50%-50%” case.

The khi2 test gave a probability p=1e-12, that is quite 0%. Now we can affirm that: Yes, DILD’s are more common than WILD’s.

Second test: Do experienced LD’ers have more WILD’s?

I compared the answers given by people who had less or more than 20 LD’s. A khi2 test gave p=0.34. We expected p <0.05. It’s not the case, so it seems that experienced LD’ers don’t have more WILD than beginners. I say “it seems” because:

  • the experiment has not been designed to prove this
  • for instance, we suppose that people with more than 20 LD’s are experienced. The limit is certainly too low.
  • another constraint: a beginner with only 1 LD (a WILD) will answer that they have less than 25% DILD. Hence, beginners should have more WILD’s than DILD’s… cause they have very few LD’s! This problem could have been overcame if people told how many WILD’s and DILD’s they have, but they didn’t. :neutral:

very cool research basilus west… it’s interesting to see the success rates of others when comparing techniques.